Monday, February 27, 2017

Olberman & Tapper Are Pissed, How Dare Trump Deny Them Entry (Videos)

NB Commentary: So let's talk about Jake Tapper and Keith Olbermann and the issue of the "Independent" news not being welcomed in the White House.  Jeez Louis, the Mainstream Muppets are having a heart attack because Trump doesn't want to keep company with them.

You know what gets me more than anything is the BS hypocrisy that goes on especially these days since the Trumpster became President.
Just think about it. Even the Press conferences are staged. So Jake Tapper is having a hissy fit cause he can't ask his already approved questions, and Kellyanne is not Olbermann's favorite mouthpiece for the establishment.

What is wrong with these people? Do they really live in the twilight zone or is it me, I am in the twilight zone.

How do you walk through life and never see the light, I mean, they call us sheeple and easily lead, but I got a funny feeling it ain't us as much as it's them.

How do you sit in front of a teleprompter and parrot words pasted across the screen and then call yourself "Independent"? 

Somebody wake me up cause this is really gotta be a dream. I mean you sit there day in and day out parroting what the producer has presented to you. You don't come in there with your own thoughts, if you did you would get fired! You are an actor, your stage is your anchor desk and your audience is on the other side of the camera. What exactly is free or independent about that? Why are you trying to claim that you are independent yet just a few weeks ago, you were peddling a list of "Fake News" outlets who are truly much more independent then you are!

Do you realize that you folks are own by 6 major corporations? Do you read the stamp on your paycheck, or maybe you just get direct deposit.

How on God's green earth can CNN, NBC, MSNBC or any of those other alphabet news outlets consider themselves independent and yet not a single one of them could see that Trump was going to win?

I don't think you all are real. You all must be holograms or something, just light fixtures because you certainly are not independent and you do not tell the truth and you ain't even alternative.

You are stomping and crying and lying because folks don't wanna listen to you anymore, they are tired of your lies and you are feeling a little scared about your paycheck, that's what I think. You ain't mad at Trump, you're afraid you may no longer be needed.

Well let me tell you something, don't come trying to hang out with us. Cause we are gonna be very suspicious of you wanting to tell the truth after all these years and years of lying. So forget about infiltrating us and promising us spots on your podcasts, we don't want it. We don't trust you anymore and calling yourself "independent" just put the nail in the coffin. You either think we are stupid, or you must be because we over here, we know who signs your paycheck.

Many of us don't get paid no where near what we are worth for questioning the
official narrative, and some of us don't get paid at all, meanwhile, you all are bringing in millions just to sit there and parrot what flies across your teleprompter or what is slid in across your desk while you are in the make-up room. You have made so many slip ups and mistakes it ain't funny and you seldom if ever make a retraction, like "yo, my faithful audience out there, I was an asshole when I said that yesterday, and I knew it was wrong but I said it anyway, please forgive me". No you just go right ahead, like you never pissed on us and call it rain. I stopped watching you all anyways, even Amy Goodman has lost my vote, cause once you go mainstream, it's a wrap.
I just want you all to know that that list of "Fake News" you all so helpfully put out, was a serious bust, because some of those outlets are where I get my real news from.

You guys in MuppetStreamMedia, are simply actors. Maybe, after you are driven out of the MSM because of lost of revenues, you could try out for Hollyweird. You shouldn't have no trouble, the same scoundrels that run the Media, Hollyweird too, so you should feel quite comfortable. And besides, you won't have to pay for acting school, you are already well seasoned actors.

It just galls me when these folks start crying. They are the ones who went to war with alternative news calling it fake news. They are the ones peddling a narrative of anarchy and now that Trump doesn't want you  in his house, you want to cry it's un-American. For real, really..  Un-American?  

How un-American was it to tell these lies?
Man, whatever…. who told the lies on 911?
Who lied about Emmet Till?
Who lied about building 7?
Who told the lies about WMD in Iraq?
Who told the lies about gassing the Syrians?
Who told the lie about JFK?
Who told the lie about MLK?
Who told the lie about Marcus Garvey and the Black Panthers?
Who told the lie about Gaddafi?
Who told the lies about Sandy Hook, Boston Marathon, Orlando Nightclub shooting.
Who told the lie about Ms. Parker killed on live TV in VA with two different staged takes and a dude with a white hand?

Who Frick lies about everything under the sun and changes history to support their lies? Who the f $*$*k does that, each day, every day?
And has the nerve to cry out fake news?
And Olberman, I'm surprised at you, cause you were a casualty of the very industry you are now defending! Sell outs come a dime a dozen.
Trump is America, all of you corporate liars. Y'all just mad cause he's showing who you really are, liars and thieves and robbers. Y'all just mad cause you wanted your idiot to be in charge and not the other idiot. You are stomping your feet and crying like babies because it just ain't working out the way you wanted or envisioned.

Were you all promised some rose garden, lillies of the field, free pizza and hot dogs, caramel candy… fat pay checks, what?? Cause obviously this is not turning out the way you wanted and  you all are not taking it well, at all, you are acting like somebody who had a promise broken and your feeling some kind of way and you are gonna make sure that the person who prevented you from getting all your rewards for being a good parrot, catches hell.

These people are such hypocrites and I can't take it!


CIA Flashback: “We’ll Know Our Disinformation Program Is Complete When Everything the American Public Believes Is False.”

WASHINGTON — A regular guest commentator on Fox News who has been lying for years about working for the Central Intelligence Agency was arrested on Thursday and is being charged in connection with falsely claiming he worked as an “Outside Paramilitary Special Operations Officer” for the CIA for nearly three decades.

Total Breakdown of The Media's Use of NLP & Mind Control

Dr Udo Ulfkotte, journalist and author, on RT

The End of Alt Media = The End of Trump!

Pizza Gate False Flag For Fake News Attacks Free Speech and Independent Media

Tapper: White House excluding the press is 'un-American'
By Christina Manduley and Jason Kurtz, CNN

Want to keep fake news out of your newsfeed? College professor creates list of sites to avoid

Mass. Professor's List Of False, Misleading News Sites Goes Viral

List of fake news websites

Saturday, February 25, 2017

Are You Involved In Witchcraft and don't Even Know It? (Videos)

NB Commentary: Let me start by saying, this video is not designed to offend anyone. I am merely using a bit of logic and attempting to show a simple correlation. I was inspired to make this video because of the post I saw the other day, asking, "Are you involved In Witchcraft and Don't Even Know It?" My response to this post flowed like water and I felt it only fair to share my thoughts with my YouTube audience.

Whenever I upload a video discussing the I Ching Oracle system, I typically get a Christian backlash saying I should come to Jesus and give up the ways of the Devil as it is written in the bible that divining and other such "occult" practices are witchcraft! 

So let's start with the definition of occult and move on from there.


  • of or relating to magic, astrology, or any system claiming use or knowledge of secret or supernatural powers or agencies.
  • beyond the range of ordinary knowledge or understanding; mysterious.
  • secret; disclosed or communicated only to the initiated.
  • hidden from view.
  • not apparent on mere inspection but discoverable by experimentation.
  • of a nature not understood, as physical qualities. dealing with such qualities; experimental: occult science.

    1. the supernatural or supernatural agencies and affairs considered as a whole 11. to become hidden or shut off from view.

    2. metaphysical, supernatural. 3. concealed, unrevealed; veiled, shrouded; mystical, cabalistic. Concealed, Deep, hidden, magic, mystic, obscure, psychic, unknown, veiled, weird, abstruse, achromatic, arcane, cabalistic, eerie, esoteric, hermetic, invisible, magical, mystical, preternatural, profound, recondite, transmundane, unearthly, unrevealed.

    1. the art of producing illusions as entertainment by the use of sleight of hand, deceptive devices, etc.; legerdemain; conjuring:
    to pull a rabbit out of a hat by magic.
    2. the art of producing a desired effect or result through the use of incantation or various other techniques that presumably assure human control of supernatural agencies or the forces of nature.
    Compare contagious magic, imitative magic, sympathetic magic.
    3. the use of this art:  Magic, it was believed, could drive illness from the body.
    4. the effects produced: the magic of recovery.
    5. power or influence exerted through this art: a wizard of great magic.
    6. any extraordinary or mystical influence, charm, power, etc.:
    the magic in a great name; the magic of music; the magic of spring.
    8. employed in magic: magic spells; magic dances; magic rites.
    9. mysteriously enchanting; magical: magic beauty.
    10. of, relating to, or due to magic.
    11. producing the effects of magic; magical: a magic touch.
    12. to create, transform, move, etc., by or as if by magic:

    fascination, illusion, wizardry, alchemy, allurement, astrology, augury, bewitchment, conjuring, conjury, devilry, diabolism, divination, enchantment, exorcism, foreboding, horoscopy, incantation, legerdemain, magnetism, necromancy, occultism, power, prediction, presage, prestidigitation, prophecy, rune, soothsaying, sorcery, spell, superstition, taboo, thaumaturgy, trickery, voodoo, voodooism, witchcraft, black art, fortune-telling, hocuspocus, of impossible feats by tricks abracadabra, sleight of hand, sortilege

    It is written in the Bible that at 12 years of age, the Messiah spoke to the elders in the Temple of great wonders and amazed them that he knew so much at such a young age.

    He spoke about the metaphysics, temperaments and healing. Later he change water into wine, raised the dead, healed leprosy, fed 5,000 people with 5 loaves of bread and 2 fish, (how did he do that?). It must have taken all day to get to all of them. I go to the foodbank and that line takes hours and it's only about 150 people in line.
    He bi-located, and possessed Elijah. 
    He walked on water and became invisible to his enemies.
    He put the servant's ear back on.
    He made predictions and interpreted dreams.
    He suffered, according to the text, the most horrific torture imaginable and managed to live thru it.

    After his demise on the cross, he rose from the dead with the help of two "invisible angels" no less. Then Ascended into Heaven, which is where? He levitated into the sky without a spaceship or rocket fuel? And where did he go? He sits at the right hand of the Father which is himself, which means he is besides himself, or he doubled himself? Now that's magic if you ask me. A serious magic show for real especially since no one has seen where he went and so many believe he is there. Can I get a vote for Jesus being a wizard at least here? I know, I know, you want to call it miracles… miracles..magic… miracles..magic… healing… laying on of hands…. He even changed his hair color from dark brown to blond! More and more magic!!

    Now, to me that there man, is a wizard, anybody following that man is a wizard, sorcerer or witch lover. Anyone praying for that man to heal the sick, fill their bank accounts with money, get them a new car, pass a test, be cured of cancer, have a safe journey in an airplane, find a lost loved one, speaking in tongues, catching the Holy Ghost, giving God the Glory for acquiring a huge sum of money, paying tithes, interpreting dreams, hear God's voice and messages and more are all casting spells and using witchcraft.

    It always amazes me when folks call the stuff humans do, witchcraft, yet somehow they don't see it as magic or witchcraft when the Messiah did it. In fact they say he showed himself as God's Son.

    Would the real son of God deny his brethren the gifts he had? Would he not be being selfish? And would that show he was not really the Son of God but some selfish charlatan instead. A charlatan who professed to love his neighbor as himself but would hoard his precious treasure of abilities from his neighbor.
    Hmmmmm, I sense a contradiction here.

    And let's not forget Holy Communion, the eating of the "flesh and Blood" of the Messiah which guarantees everlasting life which harkens back to cannibalism and vampirism. And can I get an applause for this term?   "Washing in the blood of Christ." I hear that the witches wash in the blood of pigs, goats, and chickens. This practice seems eerily similar to what the witches do.

    Can we take a look at the vestments that are worn by the so-called Holy Men of the Church across the spectrum from the "backwards collar to the full garb in the colors red, black, white and purple.

    And if you say, you do not worship idols like those Catholics, how many of you pledge allegiance to the flag, honor the Presidents with holiday shopping and fireworks, erect statues, monuments and huge paintings of dead people.
    Oh, and let's not forget the burning of candles, incense and the sprinkling of Holy Water.

    In the Christian Churches the congregation engages in ritual chanting they call singing hymns or gospel music, that is so powerful sometimes it draws tears from those who listen. And the folks who listen hard enough and eagerly enough may soon find themselves "filled with the Holy Ghost".  Hmmmm, a Ghost that is Holy. How ironic. 

    And from what I hear, the Book of Psalms is full of incantations and certain Psalms have been recited in hopes for a desired effect. I personally love the "Yeah, though I walk through the valley of death……." Christians have been known to tell other Christians which ones to recite for specific purposes.

    For those of you still in denial about the level of sorcery in Christianity, I am sure you do not even celebrate Halloween, cutting into a pumpkin and setting a candle inside of it. Do you go to masquerade parties or allow your children to dress up in costumes and prowl the area asking for "tricks or treats (magic and offerings)."
    And you certainly do not cut down trees, bring them into your home and light millions of lights around it and your house. It's the festival of lights, bringing light into the darkness of winter, but surely that is not sorcery or witchcraft.

    You have to hand it to the social engineers who have fully duped the masses to the point that they don't even realize that many if not all of their "holy days" are left overs from pagan festivals, including going to Church on the day of the Sun.  If you think that's a stretch well, Ra is the sun God and his day is Sunday, so worshiping the Lord on Sunday, equates to worshiping the Sun.

    If you scoff at oracles, how many of you toss a coin, "heads or tails" when you are unable to make a decision? How many of you look for signs to let you know you are on the right path, how many of you see waking up in the morning as a "sign" that God has blessed you?

    And while I am speaking of signs, Catholics "bless" themselves with the sign of the cross and Christians wear the "sign" of the Messiah's death around their necks, in their cars, on their night tables, etc. Could it be that the "Church" decided what "signs" were good and "which ones were "evil" in some random fashion or was it deliberate?

    Christianity is the bastion of witchcraft, the only difference being, since Christians do it, that makes it of the light, and when those who are not Christian do it, it is considered darkness or demon worship. And even though, if a person is "possessed" with demons, the Christian will call in an exorcist, carrying a cross and rosary beads (talismans) to magically chase that demon away, in the name of Jesus.

    I wonder if you all realize that Jesus Christ as you call upon him, is an Ancestor? That is someone who lived in human flesh, walked the earth, talked to people, had a following and then died. Of course you would not equate his rising from the dead as vampire-ish or ghoulish or zombi-ish, because he was given the title "the exalted One" so what he did made him different from all the other vampires, ghouls and zombies, even though he did the exact same thing.  And worshiping him is Ancestor worship.

    Of all the things I have mentioned, it has to be obvious that a whole lot of magic is going on among people of the Christian faith. They throw up their arms, wave them in the air, pray using the sign of a pyramid, close their eyes and hope to be heard by God, their prayers answered after this ritual is completed. They teach their children, who teach their children who teach theirs, and so on for generations and generations… never forgetting to add that they are the Holy Ones, the Selected Ones, the Ones of the Light (Illuminati perhaps), they have been washed clean in "red" blood (which I seriously can't understand how you can become clean washed in blood) but of course it's all symbolic, which only smacks of more witchcraft and sorcery as they use these and many other symbols to "invoke" the power and/or the "wrath" of God.

    I cannot see how that is any different from a rain dance, yoga, chanting, cards and in my case, Divining with the I Ching. And that's what I got to say about that!

    Top 10 African Countries at Practicing Witchcraft or Juju

    Black Magic: Hoodoo Witches Speak Out on the Appropriation of Their Craft

    The Top 15 Witches According to My Bruja Heart

    The Witches from MisSpelled
    Have you caught this funny, creative and clever webseries yet? It’s about a group of five friends who are witches and it’s created by and starring a bunch of women of color. The dark comedy series deals with how these girls deal with their growing powers, their relationships and their lives. Any time you have a cast of five diverse women of color and a product that’s this high quality, you know you’ve got something special.

    Ra, god of Egypt

    Ancient Egyptian Gods and Goddesses for kids - Ra (aka Re)
    The Mythology & History of ancient Egypt surrounding the Egyptian god Ra, the sun & creator god

    Friday, February 17, 2017

    Destroying 3 myths: Before The Slave Trade (Videos)

    Before The Slave Trade: African World History in Pictures by Robin Walker

    About the Book
    It is to be expected that for most readers early Black history is a new and unfamiliar subject. Our focus is NOT on the usual topics of discussion, i.e. Mary Seacole, Malcolm X, the man who invented the traffic lights, or the Slave Trade. Our focus is much larger. This book was written to tell a much bigger and far more important story.

    We discuss the role of Black men and women in the development of high cultures in Africa before the coming of the Europeans. Chapter 1 presents a series of snapshots of Africa as it was when the kidnapping and mass enslavement of Africans began. The subsequent chapters introduce the role of Black men and women in the origin and evolution of high cultures that have shaped the world.  

    We discuss the role of Black people in the early history of Nubia, Ancient Egypt, Carthage and the Moorish Empire. In short, we refute the view that the African was peripheral to the development of civilisation. We further show the role of Black people in the ancient civilisations of the East. We highlight the critical role of Blacks in the early history of Palestine, Arabia, Iraq, Iran, India and Pakistan (i.e. Phoenicia, Arabia Felix, Sumer, Elam, and the Indus Valley). Finally, we show the role of Africans in the ancient and mediæval history of Central America.

    Accompanying the text are a series of photographs, many of them rarely used, that are vital in driving home the main point of the book. That is, the history and achievements of the African is something to learn from and be inspired by. It is not a legacy to be ashamed of.

    The book contains a Glossary of words used throughout the book, and also a Chronological Table. It is always a good idea to cross check facts and dates against the Table

    BeforeThe Slave Trade provides novices to Black History and teachers of Egyptology or African Civilisations with key photographic images as visual proof of the greatness of the Black past. Such visual resources are always necessary and it is important that such resources are readily accessible, especially as teaching material.

    The book bridges the immense gap between what scholars know about the early history and achievements of Black people and what the general public knows. This gulf has unfortunately remained constant for over a hundred years.

    The book serves as both an introduction and a supplementary volume to our much larger work When We Ruled. There is almost no overlap between the two books but they complement each other well.

    The book shows the role of Black men and women in the development of high cultures in Africa before the coming of the Europeans. It also shows the role of Black men and women in the origin and evolution of high cultures that have shaped the world, such as Ancient Nubia, Ancient Egypt, Carthage, and the Moorish Empire. Challenging the view that the African was peripheral to the development of world civilisation, it also shows the critical role of Black people in the ancient civilisations of the East (i.e. Phoenicia, Judah, Arabia Felix, Sumer, Elam, and the Indus Valley). Finally, the book discusses the role of Africans in the ancient and medieval history of Central America.

    Before The Slave Trade is an essential resource for the teacher, researcher or student of Black History, African World Studies or Egyptology.

    Book Details:

    Paperback: 200 pages 
    Publisher: Black History Studies Publications (1 Sep 2008) 
    Language English 
    ISBN-10: 0955969506 
    ISBN-13: 978-0955969508 
    Product Dimensions: 152mm x 227mm

    Before The Slave Trade Book Trailer- Part 1

    Destroying 2 myths: Before The Slave Trade: 
    African World History in Pictures: Part 2

    Before The Slave Trade Book Trailer- Part 3

    Table of Contents




    The Select Committee on the Slave Trade

    About The Book
    Chapter 1
    Before the Era of the Slave Traders
    Chapter 2
    Africa and the Origin of the Human Race
    Chapter 3
    The African in Ancient History: An Introduction
    Chapter 4
    The African in Ancient Egypt
    Chapter 5
    The African in Ancient Carthage
    Chapter 6
    Blacks in the Ancient History of Asia: An Introduction
    Chapter 7
    Blacks in the Ancient History of Palestine
    Chapter 8
    Blacks in the Ancient History of Arabia
    Chapter 9
    Blacks in the Ancient History of Iraq
    Chapter 10
    Blacks in the Ancient History of Iran
    Chapter 11
    Blacks in the Ancient History of India and Pakistan
    Chapter 12
    Africans in the Early History of Central America
    Pictorial Supplement

    Summary of Pictorial Resources contained in Before the Slave Trade and When We Ruled


    Chronological Table


    Special Bibliography for Additional Pictorial Resources


    Robin Walker, or ‘The Black History Man,’ is a noted scholar of Medieval African History. Growing up in the 70’s, Walker believed that “the only thing black people contributed to world culture was to be slaves.” It was during the 90’s, after obtaining an economics degree from LSE Walker gained deeper understanding of Ancient African Civilisations having been inspired by Chancellor Williams’ book The Destruction of Black Civilization.

    Since then Walker has worked tirelesslyto disseminate knowledge, lecturing in African World Studies, Egyptology and Black History at universities and conferences across the UK and authoring 16 books. In 1999 he wrote Classical Splendour: Roots of Black History and Sword, The Seal and Koran in 2000. But arguably, Walker is best known for his 2006 textbook When We Ruled, heralded as an update to the Chancellor Williams text that inspired him. An incredible text shattering the myth that high civilisation only existed in Egypt. In 2008 he authored Before the Slave Trade, a pictorial companion to When We Ruled. In 2011 and 2012, he wrote a series of e-book lecture-essays on a wide variety of topics ranging from The Black Musical Tradition to the Equinox. Walker’s latest piece Everyday Life in an Early West African Empire (with Siaf Millar and Saran Keita) is available on Amazon. Walker’s collection of writings are invaluable insights into Ancient civilisations for Africans worldwide.


    When and why did you begin writing Before the Slave Trade?

    In Summer 2006 a colleague invited me to help in teaching a course on Ancient Egypt entitled African Perspectives on Egypt. While planning the programme and reading material for the course, I realised what was missing. I realised that someone needed to write a book that contained the photographic evidence that proved that Ancient Egypt belonged to Africa - a book that contained the authentic portraits of the different pharaohs. Professors Cheikh Anta Diop and Ivan Van Sertima made much headway in their respective books, but they did not publish all the evidence in one place. I began Before the Slave Trade to fulfil this need.
    To continue Reading click on the link below.

    Thursday, February 16, 2017

    Beyoncé- A Win for White Supremacy (Videos)

    NB Commentary: Excellent article. Excellent!!!
    I would add that it ain't just black folks that only need tokens to feel they have got it all. The people overall have been manipulated, socially engineered, mind controlled, etc., into believing the little trinkets, drips and drops they get is the whole thing, to means they are cared for, or even needed. BEYONCÉ is just a symptom of a bigger anomaly that has overcome the masses. The "Cult Of Personality".
    She like her cohorts are the modern day Gods, and like the Gods of old, they only promise and promise and promise and threaten of course. But they are displaced authority, enchanted illusions, distorted creations of the human psyche. They are not real. So anything that she says as it relates to Black Empowerment has absolutely nothing to do with Black Empowerment or she would give more than a trinket to acknowledge Black Folks.
    They keep saying that the masses are waking up, but it seems they are working feverishly to keep the folks' finger on the snooze button.

    Beyoncé- A Win for White Supremacy
    Article written by CC Saunders

    Following her Grammy speech and performance, superstar Beyonce garnered abundant praise.  Beyonce’s grammy performance portrayed Queen Bey in a manner that proved as royal as her title. Beyonce’s look seemed reminiscent of the queens of our indigenous homeland— a connection that did not go unnoticed by spectators. However, Beyonce garnered the most praise for something fans are not used to associating with Beyonce—loss.

    Beyonce lost to Adele in the “Album of the Year” category. To most, this loss was inevitable due to a racially aware stance accompanying some tracks in her latest studio album LemonadeLemonade presented the contemporary world with all that has come to associate with Beyonce while intertwining a “woke” perspective not commonly aligned with the singer. The visual album featured the mothers of slain teens Trayvon Martin and Mike Brown and songs like “Freedom” that sought to paint Beyonce as an ally to the black collective in our time of turbulence. For these reasons, many regard Beyonce’s loss as a win. This is certainly the stance of Myles E. Johnson, author of popular New York Times article “What Beyonce Won Was Bigger than a Grammy.” The article referenced the price blacks who dare to exist outside the parameters of white conventionality pay as being overlooked if not ignored in terms of acknowledgment. For this assertion, Johnson is completely correct. However, does a few tracks on an album largely about relationships, infidelity, and love, place Beyonce in the same category of black activists like Assata Shakur, Angela Davis or singer-activists Nina Simone who unapologetically dedicated themselves to the plight of blackness in America?

    Of course not.
    The praise following Beyonce’s long overdue “consciousness” demonstrates that the bar for black allies is impossibly low. Beyonce as a black activist demonstrates that one or two acts fulfill the necessary requirements to deem someone a black leader. The black collective witnessed this behavior with former President Obama who would often place a single stream of consciousness in his speeches, a consciousness that he would counter with the following sentence. Yet, the allegiance he had for five seconds, overshadowed lesser deeds carried out in the majority of his actions and behaviors. Beyonce’s praise functions in a similar manner, as her seemingly “overnight” enlightenment supersedes past behavior that aimed to present Beyonce, the black woman as a crossover artist.

    Forgiveness is a virtue seemingly exclusive to the black collective. I say this because, despite the depth of systemic oppression, many blacks remain dedicated to looking past this truth in favor of an optimism that borders oblivion.  While beautiful and reflective of a humble spirit—forgiveness has proved much more harmful than helpful. I also can’t help but wonder if this behavior is forgiveness at all, or just a desperate attempt to believe something we wish to be true.

    Black women want to believe in Beyonce. And to our defense, she does deserve some praise. Superstar Rihanna has yet to say anything pertaining to the contemporary manifestations that mirror traditional treatment of black bodies. This is not accidental, as Rihanna, although a black woman, seems to appeal more to those outside the black diaspora. Beyonce has always led a strong black female following, the same black females who have lost their sons, brothers, and fathers in the fire of white male supremacy. Thus, her contribution, while small, works strategically. The Grammy’s illustrates Beyonce as losing the battle but winning the war. Losing to Adele depicts Beyonce as bearing the necessary sacrifice to not only maintain her fan base but to award her racial credibility and thereby deepen fan affinity for her.

    Beyonce, a black woman who gained fame and international stardom for her fair skin, blonde weave, and jezebel-like performances, personifies the height of white male imagination. She embodies what many black women wish they were, conventionally beautiful with full features, fair skin, a curvy yet slim body, an accent that is slight enough to suggest a humble sweetness but a work persona that screams boss. She’s a wife, a mother, businesswoman and all-around superwoman. But she is a fantasy.

    While some blacks praise a God who looks like their former slave masters, other praise Beyonce, a woman who while black, portrayals European aesthetics as the height of black female beauty. Many seem to have forgotten that not long ago Beyonce referenced racism as “in her father’s time,” as if it is not racism that fuels her success let alone existence in a still predominately white male industry. It is easy to praise Beyonce for her loss, despite her ability to perform and prove victorious in smaller categories. If we praise Beyonce for her loss, it is easy to overlook that a more dynamic and culturally aware performer would not be afforded Beyonce’s platform, because their authenticity would inspire in a way that Beyonce never could.

    Beyonce exists as a means to control the black female demographic. For example, I can not help but notice that weaves became a more versatile and a more prominent tool in black female hair styling as Beyonce’s popularity grew. The desire for long, full, hair personifies what I like to call the “Beyonce effect,” an effect mirrored in every popular black female image from reality stars to singers. Beyonce’s power manifests in her ability to generate styles and standards of beauty, and in her losses and wins.

    I feel compelled to mention that I reference Beyonce as a brand and not an individual, as the chief component of Beyonce’s popularity is that she encompasses a larger than life figure– a human canvass of desirability curated by white male imagination. Beyonce becomes a figure of influence due to a black female collective that largely exists vicariously through their blonde-haired heroine. Beyonce personifies what many black females think black female perfection is. As a physical manifestation of black female thought, Beyonce acts as a pawn to dictate what we do. Carter B. Woodson conveyed the following excerpt from The Miseducation of the Negro:
    If you can control a man’s thinking you do not have to worry about his action. When you determine what a man shall think you do not have to concern yourself about what he will do. If you make a man feel that he is inferior, you do not have to compel him to accept an inferior status, for he will seek it himself. If you make a man think that he is justly an outcast, you do not have to order him to the back door. He will go without being told; and if there is no back door, his very nature will demand one.
    Thus, Beyonce is not an activist or conscious member of the black collective. Beyonce is the literal and figurative back door of which the black female collective enters into a white male gaze. She is a prevalent form of contemporary inferiority veiled as black excellence. Furthermore, Beyonce functions as an on-going win for white supremacy, functioning as a string that puppeteers the black female psyche by veiling the poisons of white supremacy with pseudo black femininity.

    Article written by CC Saunders

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