Saturday, May 27, 2017

How JFK Gave Us Donald J. Trump (Videos)

When image trumps ideology: How JFK created the template for the modern presidency

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President John F. Kennedy watches as planes conduct anti-sub operations during maneuvers off the North Carolina coast in April 1962. Associated Press
Steven Watts, University of Missouri-Columbia
Even at John F. Kennedy’s centennial on May 29, 2017, the 35th president remains an enigma. We still struggle to come to a clear consensus about a leader frozen in time – a man who, in our mind’s eye, is forever young and vigorous, cool and witty. The Conversation

While historians have portrayed him as everything from a nascent social justice warrior to a proto-Reaganite, his political record actually offers little insight into his legacy. A standard “Cold War liberal,” he endorsed the basic tenets of the New Deal at home and projected a stern, anti-Communist foreign policy. In fact, from an ideological standpoint, he differed little from countless other elected officials in the moderate wing of the Democratic Party or the liberal wing of the Republican Party.

Much greater understanding comes from adopting an altogether different strategy: approaching Kennedy as a cultural figure. From the beginning of his career, JFK’s appeal was always more about image than ideology, the emotions he channeled than the policies he advanced.

Generating an enthusiasm more akin to that of a popular entertainer than a candidate for national office, he was arguably America’s first “modern” president. Many subsequent presidents would follow the template he created, from Republicans Ronald Reagan and Donald Trump to Democrats Bill Clinton and Barack Obama.

A cultural icon

JFK pioneered the modern notion of the president as celebrity. The scion of a wealthy family, he became a national figure as a young congressman for his good looks, high-society diversions and status as an “eligible bachelor.”

He hobnobbed with Hollywood actors such as Frank Sinatra and Tony Curtis, hung out with models and befriended singers. He became a fixture in the big national magazines – Life, Look, Time, The Saturday Evening Post – which were more interested in his personal life than his political positions.

Later, Ronald Reagan, the movie actor turned politician, and Donald Trump, the tabloid fixture and star of “The Apprentice,” would translate their celebrity impulses into electoral success. Meanwhile, the saxophone-playing Bill Clinton and the smooth, “no drama” Obama – ever at ease on the talk show circuit – teased out variations of the celebrity role on the Democratic stage.

President Bill Clinton plays ‘Heartbreak Hotel’ on his saxophone during an episode of ‘The Arsenio Hall Show’ in 1992.AP Photo/Reed Saxon

After Kennedy, it was the candidate with the most celebrity appeal who often triumphed in the presidential sweepstakes.

A master of the media

Kennedy also forged a new path with his skillful utilization of media technology. With his movie-star good looks, understated wit and graceful demeanor, he was a perfect fit for the new medium of television.

He was applauded for his televised speeches at the 1956 Democratic convention, and he later prevailed in the famous television debates of the 1960 presidential election. His televised presidential press conferences became media works of art as he deftly answered complex questions, handled reporters with aplomb and laced his responses with wit, quoting literary figures like the Frenchwoman Madame de Staël.

John F. Kennedy gave the first live televised presidential press conference in history on Jan. 25, 1961. AP

Two decades later, Reagan proved equally adept with television, using his acting skills to convey an earnest patriotism, while the lip-biting Clinton projected the natural empathy and communication skills of a born politician. Obama’s eloquence before the cameras became legendary, while he also became an early adopter of social media to reach and organize his followers.

Trump, of course, emerged from a background in reality television and adroitly employed Twitter to circumvent a hostile media establishment, generate attention and reach his followers.

The vigorous male

Finally, JFK reshaped public leadership by exuding a powerful, masculine ideal. As I explore in my book, “JFK and the Masculine Mystique: Sex and Power on the New Frontier,” he emerged in a postwar era colored by mounting concern over the degeneration of the American male. Some blamed the shifting labor market for turning men from independent, manual laborers into corpulent, desk-bound drones within sprawling bureaucracies. Others pointed to suburban abundance for transforming men into diaper-changing denizens of the easy chair and backyard barbecue. And many thought that the advancement of women in the workplace would emasculate their male coworkers.

John F. Kennedy smokes a cigar and reads The New York Times on his boat off the coast of Hyannisport. U.S. National Archives and Records Administration

Enter Jack Kennedy, who promised a bracing revival of American manhood as youthful and vigorous, cool and sophisticated.

In his famous “New Frontier” speech, he announced that “young men are coming to power – men who are not bound by the traditions of the past – young men who can cast off the old slogans and delusions and suspicions.”

In a Sports Illustrated article titled “The Soft American,” he advocated a national physical fitness crusade. He endorsed a tough-minded realism to shape the counterinsurgency strategies that were deployed to combat Communism, and he embraced the buccaneering style of the CIA and the Green Berets. He championed the Mercury Seven astronauts as sturdy, courageous males who ventured out to conquer the new frontier of space.

JFK’s successors adopted many of these same masculine themes. Reagan positioned himself as a manly, tough-minded alternative to a weak, vacillating Jimmy Carter. Clinton presented himself as a pragmatic, assertive, virile young man whose hardscrabble road to success contrasted with the privileged, preppy George H.W. Bush. Obama impressed voters as a vigorous, athletic young man who scrimmaged with college basketball teams – a contrast to the cranky, geriatric John McCain and a stiff, pampered Mitt Romney.

More recently, of course, Trump’s outlandish masculinity appealed to many traditionalists unsettled by a wave of gender confusion, women in combat, weeping millennial “snowflakes” and declining numbers of physically challenging manufacturing jobs in the country’s post-industrial economy. No matter how crudely, the theatrically male businessman promised a remedy.

So as we look back at John F. Kennedy a century after his birth, it seems ever clearer that he ascended the national stage as our first modern president. Removed from an American political tradition of grassroots electioneering, sober-minded experience and bourgeois morality, this youthful, charismatic leader reflected a new political atmosphere that favored celebrity appeal, media savvy and masculine vigor. He was the first American president whose place in the cultural imagination dwarfed his political positions and policies.

Just as style made the man with Kennedy, it also remade the American presidency. It continues to do so today.

Steven Watts, Professor of History, University of Missouri-Columbia
This article was originally published on The Conversation. Read the original article.


Presidential hopeful Obama scrimmages with UNC
The Decision to Go to the Moon:
President John F. Kennedy's May 25, 1961 Speech 
before a Joint Session of Congress
The Federal Government Takes on Physical Fitness
1960 Democratic National Convention, 15 July 1960

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Friday, May 26, 2017

Luxembourg PM's Wife Is A Man, Appears In NATO Wives Photoshoot (VIDEOS)

Luxembourg PM's Wife Is A Man, Appears In NATO Wives Photoshoot

International Business Times reports on NATO wives photoshoot.
Author: Jordan Bhatt
Updated May 26, 2017

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Author: Jordan Bhatt
Updated May 26, 2017

Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Did Africans sell fellow Africans into Slavery? (Videos)

Presented by: Truth and Edutainment 

Are you tired of Racist and/or uninformed people using the line, "Well you all sold your own people into Slavery"? I thought you would be. But NOW you have a weapon... Whenever that comes up, Post this video as a response. Another Truth and Edutainment Production.

America's Child Marriage Problem (Videos)

America's Child Marriage Problem

America/USA prides itself in being the beacon of light when it comes to human rights and a strong component of protection of its youth and justice for all members of its society. Yet when one looks closely it can be seen that some of these tenants are not held as strongly as one would imagine.

Reading just a few articles on this topic, it appears that there some disparity when it comes to the topic of young people entering marriage. There is a bit of an imbalance when it comes to young people, particularly young women, who, while not old enough to drink, vote or join the military; they can be married as young as 12 years of age in most states across the nation. The law includes a clause, "with exception" which can be enforced in a number of ways.

Unfortunately, many of these marriages present serious problems for the young female, that, under other circumstances can be described as child abuse if the child is home living with their parents.

In A NYTimes article dated OCT. 13, 2015 and written by By FRAIDY REISS
NYTimes article: "America’s Child-Marriage Problem"


Fraidy Reiss is executive director of Unchained at Last, a nonprofit that helps women and girls leave or avoid arranged and forced marriages.
Unchained at Last info here……..

"Child marriage chart reveals girls can wed at 12 in some parts of the US - as lawmakers battle to raise age to 16"
'Several states - including Massachusetts - allow children to get married 'in exceptional circumstances'

From Independent from the UK an article posted on May 14, 2017,written by Andrew Buncombe entitled "New Jersey governor refuses to ban child marriage because 'it would conflict with religious customs"

Could there be a link between these young marriages, particularly those happening between young girls between the ages of 12 (sometimes 9 years old) and 16, and pedophilia?

Are we looking at a social justice system that penalizes a young person whose picture cannot appear in the papers due to being a juvenile, but who cannot get support or help from a justice system about various complaints of abuse, due to the fact that she may be underage and married to the offender?

When an underage victim of rape or incest has the right to plead their case in a court of law, how is it that an individual of the same age has no right to testify against her husband who may have violate her in a similar or maybe even more severe fashion?

How is it that a Children's hospital will address the medical needs of children up to the age of 24. Is not that establishment acknowledging that young people have medical, mental and emotional issues that relegate them to the status of children or underage.

This is a very interesting topic that contains many, many contradictions in its employment with folks on both sides of the aisle.

The Social Justice Experiment video shows the natural response that folks have to the concept of an older man marrying a young girl perhaps decades younger than he, and yet these laws are still on the books throughout the USA and still practiced in other countries around the world.  Why doesn't the reaction of these people get the laws to change?

The Children of this world are at risk on so many levels. We can only hope that people will come to the realization that this is true and do something about it!

What are your thoughts?
Leave your comments below.

Thank You.

America’s Child-Marriage Problem
Child marriage chart reveals girls can wed at 12 in some parts of the US - as lawmakers battle to raise age to 16
New Jersey governor refuses to ban child marriage because 'it would conflict with religious customs'
UN-Arrange a Marriage … RE-Arrange a Life

Saturday, May 13, 2017

Was the Steve Stephens Event Preparing Us For Something Bigger? (VIDEOS)

Greetings, Peace & Blessings to you, Your family and loved ones.
YouTube is doing its level best to shut me adsense revenues down to a bare minimum by demonetizing my videos one by one. I probably speak on controversial subjects a bit too much for their blood, but I will continue to move forward as I feel Divinely Guided to share my thoughts and views and research with the folks who subscribe to my channel and who visit my channel. I know that I am divinely guided by the Ancestors and Guardians and my Own Inner Light and Voice because of the impact that my little channel has.  I am not a victim. I am victorious and YouTube don't know who they messin' with! I'm just saying.

Now for the topic of this video. 
Was the Steve Stephens Event Preparing Us For Something Bigger?
There has been a lot of speculation about the Steve Stephens event. Supposedly his family came together to host an open funeral for him this past Saturday, just in case folks thought it was a hoax and he was really NOT dead. Any of you folks out there went to the funeral? How many of you went to the old man's funeral?

One of the things about False Flags is that they have tale-tail signs written all over them. Some of them are so incredulous it makes you wonder why anyone would believe them. Some of them repeat the same staging with:
Media reporting over the top:
Horrendous details but no real camera footage:
Murder weapons used change shape, size and details:
If there is video, obvious editing and or obscure rendering to cause even more speculation about how real is real.
Witnesses corroborate stories on one hand then contradict on the others:
Family members of victims are immediately interviewed to keep the narrative fresh in the minds of the public.
Family members of victims show little or no real emotion or grief:
Family members who wear glasses have been exposed for reading a script as it can be seen in the lens of their glasses or as in one case I observed, she actually had the paper in her hand and while looking down at it, exposed it.
Family members are quick to forgive, which I find quite interesting because if you take the time to read the comments under the stories surrounding these events, well, the commenters for the most part are calling for blood, string him up, put him under the jail, etc.
Reports interviewing victims and witnesses in front of a green screen.
Witnesses appear out of nowhere in some instances with a full account of what happened even before the Media/authorities have investigated it.
It's all over social media, and the MSM is using social media as their source of verifiable info. Catch them making up stuff and they quickly move on to another story, rarely retracting the blunder in their reporting.
Witness and even some family members of the victims become celebrities and/or start non-profits or lawsuits. Interesting.
FBI knew of the so called "terrorist" long before the act took place.
Family members and supporters show up within hours with pics, posters, etc. of the victim, some in pristine condition as if they were made by a professional who works on weekends and after hours.
And last but not least of course, the perpetrator gets to die, kill himself or in rare cases, gets to have a trial which in most cases is a closed trial, away from public scrutiny.
 So Dylann Storm Roof gets a trial while Steve Stephens gets to kill himself. But they both paid a visit to a fast food restaurant.

Dylann was taken to Burger King.. by his captors no less, and Steve, well he just road up to the McDonald's a 1.5hrs drive from Cleveland and ordered a 6 pack of chicken nuggets, no wait, that dude is too big for a six pack, change that to 20 pack nuggets folks, make it more believable.

And let me just add right here for those who really like to look deeper and deeper into these events "The Notion of Snuff Films" and the even more sinister notion of waging bets on them. You can check out Abel Danger's perspective on "Serco" and the "Snuff Films" angle. In a word, people don't have to "actually" die, but the films rake in enough revenue for the betters, so who cares?

So we move to the theme of Crisis Actors. Personally, I really think they need to get better actors, cause for sure, dude was horrid in his performance, absolutely horrid! I think his acting is what made this story unbelievable on so many levels more than anything else.

Under this video "WHAT ARE CRISIS ACTORS? WAS STEVE STEPHEN A CRISIS ACTOR?" posted by Wise Minds ( Someone commented and I quote this comment..

"We assume 1000's of people lost their lives because we were told so. If there where no planes and it was all staged controlled demolition then the death toll was probably very low like incidentals they could not account for. Homeless persons as an example. There is good evidence that suggests those buildings where largely hollow that explains the lack of debris. It is also a common practice to remove everything out of buildings before implosion as the stuff in the building can cause the building to come down in a  undesirable fashion. Like internal non support walls.

If you follow these so called events where we never see the money shot they always turn the camera or give us the colored bars or the video is so grainy and terrible you can't make heads or tales of anything. Everything happens just out of sight of the camera. This makes the viewers mind fill in the blanks. Killing real people is a messy affair that could cause real world consequences. These assholes also believe in karma and I guess I have witnessed it myself. They fake it for a number of reasons but I think karma is the big reason it always comes back to bite you in the ass. Easier to fake it. When and if ever caught they can say it's not our fault you are an idiot that fell for a hoax."

My Response to this comment is this:
Wow, that's some interesting concepts on the controlled demolition theory. It needs to be investigated further.
Was there any large amounts of office junk moved out?
Did moving trucks come back and forth in the preceding days. Were businesses in the buildings moved out, I heard some relocated, but enough to minimize the obstruction to the demolition?
However, if no to these questions, or only a minimal displacement then we must look to another theory.

Dustification. Weapons that can turn anything to dust. Judy Wood discusses this and your one statement about removing stuff makes so much sense and truly gives her theory legs.

I think it's all of the above. They wanted to take building 7 down the same way, but for some reason the invisible plane did not hit that building.  But all were wired for demolition and building seven should not have come down at all. It was the newest and most fortified building which Mayor Juliani had a protective fortified bunker at the top. Why did that building disintegrate?
Not sure if they believe in Karma, that's another hoax they got folks to believe in. They feel protected as long as they do what the overlords tell them. They have been duped as well.

Now there is blow back, what goes around comes around, though. And so, even if they are pranking the people they will and are susceptible to being pranked.
These people live in fear of discovery which is why they spend so much time covering their tracks.

I am convinced this was staged, and in more than one shot. The video of the shooting was not live streamed but later edited. If he was on the run, when and where did he find the time to edit the video?

But all in all the masses are being played, but so are the players. There are even more sinister forces behind it all. The idea is to keep every one in their fear chakra so they are more easily manipulated.

In another comment under the same video:
"I wish we knew what really happened. I keep wondering what really went on in the streets of Cleveland when the Police told everyone to stay inside. It just feels like this is all preparation for something."

My Response to this comment is this:

People say it's martial law, but that is already here, it's been a long time since the police we called civil servants. These events give the cities, towns and states more reason to intensify law enforcement with militarized armored vehicles, munitions and gear. They no longer are trained to see people as someone to protect and serve, but as enemy combatants or civilians, these are military terms they been using for years. It's intensifying and becoming more common, but this country been under martial law since Lincoln was president.

The idea of government, is the idea of God. What I mean is Government=God to many people. They worship the Flag of their government and expect their government to protect them from threats foreign and domestic. With this in mind they control the perception of the masses of what the government is bequeathed by a higher authority to do in their rolls of governing over the people. It always comes back to this.

Governments rule by creating reasons to fear the lack of their protection, thereby they are legitimate in doing all the things they do that curtail and in some case rescind  human rights and privacy. Governments can do to you what others cannot do to you and make you pay for it by issuing a tax levy.

Governments create situations that make you cry out for more government control and power over your life. The ultimate goal of government is to totally disavow any sovereignty that the individual would or could have and give it all to them and then charge you for it. People happily go along with it because Government has created this illusion and has given you a document and/or thousands of unread ones, to prove how much power they have over you and your life.

“Humanity is hard wired to believe in other than self, outside of self, power not contained in self, so the scriptures (propaganda-sorry to say) indoctrinates folks to believe in a power outside of them. It made the Romans rich, it made the Catholic Church rich, and today, it makes the so-called powers that be rich elites who continue to dupe the masses.

Whatever character they need to use to demonize (Bin Laden) or glorify (celebrities) we have the same story going on, the story of good and evil, savior and saved, lost and found. So for real, it does not matter if Jesus is real or contrived... what matters is the power this Archetype has had in taking away the "PERSONAL POWER" of humanity, or anyone who believes in him. It enslaves humanity and ties a yoke of perceived and fabricated freedom predicated on what... SOMEBODY ELSE DID FOR YOU!

It props up governments worldwide, who take care of their citizens, instead of societies where citizens take care of themselves. It's the age old plan of keeping the slaves in check through the use of false hope in that which is outside, thus losing connection to the true divine self that lies within. It creates martyrs, pacifist, abusers and dictators. When humanity finally wakes up from its slumber, hypnosis and amnesia, there will be a whole lot of shaking going on that will reverberate throughout the entire Universe.”


The American Voter Is An Enabler, Part 3-Ruling Class (Videos)

People are going back and forth about this Comey situation. I did a reading on it a while back so if you check my video, "Why Did Comey Close the 2nd FBI Investigation? Ask A Psychic. You will see how all this and so much more is playing out. It's all political theater. Politicians are actors who never made it to Hollyweird.  

These are some interesting times.

It was stated by someone, and I quote...
"Too many people, who appear to be waking up still think that politics is the best way to life. From the first day that a human can absorb information, it is indoctrinated they have and need masters (teachers, police, priest & politicians). As soon as the awake people also wake up to the fact, that a ruling class is bad for society, things will start to change." Anonymous

It's the conundrum of human history. Particularly when you look at the notion of Empire. Modern day empire building manifests as the industrial revolution, but it really boils down to the concept of scarcity, fear of scarcity and then the need for a ruling class to protect everyone from scarcity. In their back rooms and dark halls, the ruling class had to figure out a way to remain the ruling "men behind the curtain" so they invented the notion of scarcity, on an abundant planet, and while they fill their coffers with more than they could ever use or need, and all the rest follows.

Humans, particularly the industrialized human, have the propensity to applaud their rulers no matter how they rule "Stockholm Syndrome" just as long as they promise to arrest their fears. They willingly give up their sovereignty to some external, much bigger, much more powerful force, to protect them and keep them from harm.

Meanwhile, cognitive dissonance is in full swing, as they look around at the failing economy, loss of jobs, horrendous war games, loss of life, health care, etc. which all equal loss of security, yet, the love relationship they have with leadership, i.e., the ruling class, is so pervasive it blinds them to the fact that they are no better off and that the ruling class are blood suckers who have no care for them. The voter will continue to vote against his/her interest for just a sliver of that promise pie, while the ruling class own the pie factory.

The deeper question is, why is humanity susceptible to being duped in this fashion, over and over again?

It appears that "Trump" was an even bigger Psyops than Obama. People actually believe there was a strong populous movement headed by a Billionaire? Even that makes no sense. But, because he was a cantankerous Billionaire, they thought he would be different?

Trump was a bigger Psyops than Obama because he had even the folks who were beginning to distrust the system altogether, get behind him. He pulled folks in from the left, right and center.

He has completely disappointed his base, yet they feverishly hold on to hope. As their hope disappears, it will create a tremendous mental dystopia and the masses who believed in him will join the ones "shouting" NOT MY PRESIDENT, and the populous movement will disintegrate like a morning fog.

Lack of faith in the government could lead to even more unrest and even more need for militarize police all over the country. Society will disintegrate into warring factions among themselves and the outcome will be as it always has been. The ruling class remain in power handing out slivers of pie to the fewer and fewer numbers of humans that are left after destroying them from the inside out.

It is written in the stars, Empires rise and fall over the millennia, however the Empire wheel keeps turning. Why do humans need empires is my question.

Why Is Humanity Susceptible to Building Empires?

"Are we witnessing the beginning of the end? And who's end will it be? Ours or his!?" Anonymous
The Dems may want to tar and feather Trump for firing Comey.  But they keep missing the elephant, the big huge elephant in the room. This is not about the dems vs the Reps, it's about pedos not wanting their crap to be uncovered. The in fighting is just a smoke screen. Do you realize that they fight each other in public and sleep with each other after dark?

Wake up people, there's no saving this corrupt system.
It needs to be dismantled.
Pedophiles are running for cover. What Comey found out will bring even Trump down and it ain't no Russian BS. How many times has the US interfered in elections, (Homeland Security interfered in US elections) overthrown governments, set up puppets who are allied with the US and NATO?
#Iraq #Haiti #Egypt #Honduras #Venezuela just to name a few.

Come on people!

Remember, Hillary sold 20% of US uranium reserves to Russia.  So what's the hype about Trump or anyone in  his inner circle relating to the Russians? Why are these people trying to suggest Russian involvement in US elections when their track record is glaringly obvious of their collusion and interference around the globe? It's the pot calling the kettle black!

We got, Hillary and Trump hobnobbing with the Saudis but so did Bush. The Saudi government, those guys, who just got Elected by the United Nations to Women’s Rights Commission DESPITE THAT COUNTRY’S APPALLING RECORD ON THE TREATMENT OF WOMEN. This shows you the "world" collusion and moral bankruptcy.

It ain't about parties, it's about world dominion, power and control for the psychopaths that run this world.

FYI, the Trump family is featured in the Jeffrey Epstein Blackbook, which indicates they knew a little bit about his lifestyle.

The Trump presidency is a psyops almost bigger than the Obama one was. In fact, Trump IS Obama's 3rd term. He's a puppet. He don't know nothing from nothing, which makes him even easier to be manipulated by the globalist. He has no resistance, he's a naive narcissistic, touch off. Don't even think that bringing him down will change anything. It won't!

Check it out, there's a huge elephant in the room people!

So folks think that Comey should have been fired since he did not suggest that Hillary be prosecuted for her crimes. SO, good-bye Comey, you didn't do your job.

But if you people think that Trump is going to hire someone who will prosecute her, you are sadly mistaken. She will not go to jail!

They haven't forgotten what Hillary said, "If I go down, I am taking everyone with me." and she wasn't playing. In order to get to the top, you have to swim in some slime, become slime and then throw slime. All of them are complicit in some way and all of them think they are above the law.

There is no honesty among thieves so they all got to watch their backs, can't keep their eyes closed to long and eliminate ALL threats. The United States government is a mafia, a criminal cabal, crooks thieves and robbers, and folks keep voting for them, thinking something will change, and it won't. History should tell us that much.

The other thing that I think is sorely missed is that, usually, the VP is the President's Handler. Think about it.. they tend to be more of a power broker from the sidelines. We hardly ever heard of Biden except here and there, Obama was the front man, same with Bush and Chaney. they got it all set up, and like Bush said "Oh, I'm not gonna lose." so whatever they got to do, they will do and have done it. It's just easier to see it now with the Internet, and if they have their way, they will figure out a way to silence it.

The whole "Alt-Right" and "fake news" meme was the beginning of a paradigm shift from allowing certain information to find its way to the web.

Censorship began, Twitter shut down accounts, Facebook, in addition to its already sending folks to Facebook jail; hired people to filter out so called "fake news", reddit shut down accounts or deactivated certain sub-reddits and now, under the guise of Advertiser pressure, YouTube/Google is doing its part to silence the masses.

I ain't even about free speech, you can't have it on someone else's platform. It's a privilege to be able to speak your mind on someone else's platform, but, it's discouraging enough to make people self censor or go somewhere else.

The idea is to silence dissent, wherever they find it; and to keep the secret, secret, and at all costs.

Our world is governed by Psychopathic Megalomaniacs who intend on staying in power no matter what.

So to conclude, American voter, as long as you enable your government it will continue to abuse you.


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