Monday, October 29, 2012

Reggie Bryant's Tombstone Project, Why?

Reggie Bryant's Tombstone Project Details » Donate Online

 Bryant was a founder of both the National Association of Black Journalists and the Philadelphia Association of Black Journalists. He was a veteran broadcaster and media consultant as well as a writer, filmmaker and artist.

NABJ/PABJ founder Reggie Bryant is buried at Eden Cemetery in an unmarked grave.
Bryant’s broadcast practice expanded into a groundbreaking television interview program, "Black Perspectives on the News," a news program on WHYY in Philadelphia that featured prominent newsmakers from 1973-78. The program was seen on 170 stations across the country.
During his long career, Bryant interviewed five U.S. presidents, 52 Pulitzer Prize winning authors and had been commended by hundreds of organizations for his community service.

NABJ will forever be indebted to Reggie’s commitment as one of the 44 founders of the leading organization for journalists of color.  Our honoring an "NABJ Founder" is but a fitting display of our long-term commitment to upholding the founding principles of our association, and honoring the contributions of the pioneering journalists who created our esteemed organization.
To read NABJ's statement at the time of his passing,visit here.

To donate to the Reggie Bryant Tombstone Project visit here.

So here is my question. Why??? I never get why folks have to spend so much money on a tombstone. How does that help the dead person?? Reggie can't use it and he don't need it!. How about a scholarship program for youth and teach them the Philosophy of Reggi Bryant. How bout use that money and open a school in his honor where his words and wisdom can carry on. I know for sure Reggie don't need no tombstone. I woulda wrote this comment below the article but there was no where to comment. Nana Baakan

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