I got this quote
while listening to James Evans Pallato, on his Media Monarchy radio program,
but I don't think he realized what else he was saying. He just said it was a
haunted house, I added the part about the ancestors. I always think about
This video: https://youtu.be/Z9qhH3KM0n8
Ironically, them
folks have towns rivers and streams that carry the names of these Indigenous
people and they have no clue, the average people that is, that each time they
say these names they are calling them. Phoebe Snow sang a song called Ancient
Places, Sacred lands (names we know so well, yet no one understand)
Just to name a few
there are so many more.
It makes me wonder
if the overlords who foment war understand that killing releases traumatized
souls into the ethers. On the other hand, maybe they do and they are a part of
a feeding frenzy for entities that get nourishment from death and destruction.
I also wonder if
they realize that releasing souls this way is the prime reason why this
country is haunted.
What do I mean by
Well, when someone
is murdered, their soul is ejected from their physicality abruptly and
brutally. If you think about the phrase
we so often use, "Rest In Peace" we must have some inkling of what
it means, correct? Why are we hoping
that a person who has just made transition, "Rests In Peace?" Why do we care? And what is that meme all
For those folks who
have any idea of the many manifestations of the spirit world then they may
understand where I am going with this.
And quite frankly, I have heard many Christians say that someone is
possessed with an evil spirit. So there
is some subconscious understanding that "spirits" can possess
Now, what do evil
spirits do??? Well, they wreak havoc. They are not at rest,
and we need only to
look at a few horror movies to get the gist of what a not so peaceful rest
looks like.
So, back to my
premise, America is a Haunted House, filled with the Restless souls of the
many people who have died on American soil. Because they were murdered, they
are trapped here and will re-incarnate, over and over again, or possess others
until they are "laid to rest."
All too often we
take our every day colloquialisms for granted, we pay them no mind, we use
them without examining or even thinking much about them, we say it and we keep
moving on. But we are ignoring a very important aspect of our world and how we
relate to it. If we are saying "Rest In Peace" to those who have
made transition, if we are saying "He/She was laid to rest." What do
we really mean? How can a dead corpse rest? Or rest in peace for that matter?
So, we in America,
live in a country that has been drenched in the blood of millions. And like
Trump said, on both sides. We can basically start with the invasion of the
European into the Americas, north, central and south. Quiet as its kept, there were people here
already. Now, I am not saying that they didn't have their own tribal wars, and
of course there may even be some of them souls that are not resting peacefully
at all.. However, I would wager, that the indigenous people knew the
importance of burying their dead in such a manner so that they could
"Rest In Peace" hence they have sacred burial grounds. It's obvious
to me that they knew, and they knew enough to call them grounds sacred.
But, after the
European got here, well I would also wager, that there were millions upon
millions of indigenous peoples who did not get a Sacred Burial ground, who
were massacred in a variety of ways and for that matter, whose bodies we walk
upon each and every day as this continent was completely inhabited by them.
Understanding that
many of their souls, if not all of them who were massacred were released into
the ethers but did not receive the proper burial rites, we are looking at
those souls roaming around, and incarnating all over the place.
The next chapter….
The enslavement of Africans, bringing many, not all to the so called new world
and subjecting them to all manner of torture and trauma.
Those who died
during the Middle Passage, were "buried" at sea with no pomp and no
circumstance, just thrown over board. Hmmmmm, and so the ocean has become a
toxic waste land for these restless and traumatized souls.
And those who got
here, well, that story need not be told as it should be know what happened to
them for 300 years of chattel slavery and 150 years of mental slavery or I
should say psychological warfare.
But let's not stop
there, let's add the Civil War, the Spanish American War, the Revolutionary
War that were fought right here on American soil. It should cause one to think
that this place is truly haunted.
And let's not even
talk about the mass Graves of Africans, or their cemeteries that have
buildings built right over them.
And where do these
outcasts spirits like to hang out? Graveyards for one, old abandoned houses,
dark alleyways, old hospitals and asylums, under dark
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El Toro Memorial Park |
bridges, in depressed areas, in garbage and trash dumps, in old
abandoned churches, rusting steel works, crumbling schools and empty factories,
etc. I ain't talking about the made up cartoonish Halloween types, so you won't
be seeing those too much. I mean the real ones, where folks walk in and get
goose bumps, hear noises, things drop, etc.
And while I am
talking about this phenomenon, and you are wondering why I got pics in the
slide show of haunted houses, well, that's why. Those abandoned buildings all need to be
torn down lest they provide a safe haven for dis-incarnate spirits to reside.
They also hang
around those statues. Those statues are conjuring up the spirits of those
depicted. They are talisman, huge no less, but talisman none the less and they
attract the dead to them. I am sure that on a dark night, just about midnight,
you can see Old General Robert E. Lee walking around there. And let me stop here, with how their
energies are conjured up when people depict dead folks in movies, books and
magazines. I'm just saying. Folks are saying they don't deal with the occult,
and that the occult is demonic, but they don't seem to realize they are
dealing with occult sciences with all these things.
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Haunted Prison |
Me thinks that may
be why they need to keep them old statues up there. Maybe they know that it
might help them souls rest in peace if they are honored above ground. I don't
know, but it does seem curious that such an outcry is being made about these
Folks want to honor
their Ancestors with streets, monuments, holidays, etc. Folks want to acknowledge their history by
doing so, and are feeling some kind a way that this may be taken from them. But I am beginning to wonder now, if there
may be some Ancestral influence going on here. These many restless souls who
died in battle for whatever they believed was a just cause, and some who knew
it was all a hoax, a ploy to keep rivaling factions at each others' necks, but
notwithstanding all that, these folks are honored.
Now, I could go
into the many other mass killings that have occurred on American soil, you
know the MOVE bombing, WACO, Black Wall Street, lynchings, and even more
recently the police sending in a drone bomb to kill Micah X. Johnson.
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Historic Ohio State Reformatory |
How do people in
one breath want to honor their dead, and in the other breath care nothing
about the dead or death of another? Even John Brown who was called a terrorist
back then has been honored, they hung that dude for treason. He was a paid
vigilante under the guise of freeing the slaves. He maimed and killed
viscously, and like their other war criminals, he gets to be immortalized in
the history books.
Black folks had to
beg, borrow and steal to even get a Martin Luther King, Jr. HOLIDAY, let alone
a statue.
I'm just saying.
Folks don't think beyond their noses sometimes.
Those who know, how
dangerous this is for the astral plane to receive millions upon millions of
the souls of murdered people, have to know the long term impact it can have on
any community. Those who don't know
need to think about it before they trot off to war to kill a bunch of people
thousands of miles away. And besides,
spirits may stay local for a while, but after a while, they travel, and in
fact, may follow you and haunt you all the way to your little home on the
Think about it, how
many soldiers are committing suicide due to mental disorders that have lead
them to alcohol, drugs, or self destructive patterns of behavior that end them
up dead somewhere?
If anything, folks
really need to think about movies like the "Walking Dead" and any
other movie that has Zombie like images or Dead people disturbing folks like
in the Amityville Horrors! You may not want to believe it but it's true. And
even that burn in hell for eternity is a condemnation that can come back to
haunt you.
America is a
haunted house and the spirits of those murdered are roaming around, we have
the indigenous, we have the enslaved African, we have those who died in wars
and we have those who died due to police brutality and the other countless
senseless murders for various reasons, organ harvesting perhaps. And I won't
even get into what it must be like for the person who has had the organs of
such a person transplanted into them. Just imagine what kinds of impact that
must have on their psyche. Could it
possibly be the cause of the psychopathy that many of our world leaders seem
to have?
everything is energy…………..
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Alcatraz |
America is a
haunted house and until those souls are put to rest, the
upheavals in this
country will persist.
Mental illness will
Acts of violence
will persist.
Distortions and
dysfunctional relationships will persist.
Negative and
destructive emotions coupled with acting out will persist.
And murder will
persist locally and globally.
In fact, this will
and has permeated the entire globe.
People just don't
realize how dangerous to the psyche war is as they engage their youth in the
battle and sit back and enjoy the "spoils" of war. It's that simple, they are spoiled and the
spoilage is like a virus that will run through the entire planet.
So, the entire
planet is haunted, but since I live here in America, and not South Africa, or
Ireland, or Germany, or Gori Island, I am acknowledging the traumatically
departed who haunt where I live. You all out there can do the same.
Look around, take
note… ask yourself…. Is your country peaceful due to government control, or,
is your country peaceful because you have taken responsibility for those who
came before you.
Or, is your country
restless, anxious, fearful, because of the numerous and oft times untimely
deaths of people who lived there. Be
And finally, I just
want to add this little caveat to all you Christians out there. Why are you fighting so hard to keep statues
up? Isn't that idol worship? I thought Christians didn't worship idols?
Even pledging allegiance to the flag is idol worship. Why does this Christian
Country do that? Is there a logical
explanation, if so, can you please leave them in the comment section below??
Come sit beside me
And hear a story
Of Long ago when
The people lived
Name the waters
And all the places
High and low
There was a plain
Called Chicago
It meant a place
Strong things grow
And Kentucky
Meant the land of
Green Meadows
Chorus: Ancient
Places, Sacred Lands
Names we know so
But no one
Means “Big River”
And Miami
Means “Great Water”
Means a place where
small springs flow.
Chorus: Ancient
Places, Sacred Lands
Names we know so
But no one
7 Most Haunted Prisons in America
Giles Clarke has
photographed Salvadoran gangs in cages