After the tenth anniversary of the destruction of Iraq
passed with the usual historic distortion and pieties from established power about
the waste and rationalizations about why we had to do it, America’s bipartisan
war party has even more loudly revived the same lies and logic perversion used
to get support for that slaughter. Without even a hint of embarrassment,
political puppets of wealth from congress to the state department to the white
house are again talking about gas and chemical weapons of mass destruction, substituting
Assad of Syria for Hussein of Iraq as this season’s demonic Hitler-figure to
lull Americans into accepting further military crimes to perpetuate finance
capital’s empire and keep our minds off the fact that it threatens to collapse
on our heads.
Media fulfills its responsibility as corporate stenographer
to power by reporting these charges, without a blushing reminder that this is
the same puppet-speak that was only called by its rightful name after hundreds
of thousands were dead, an educated class had become refugees and a materially developed
secular nation had been broken up into a scattering of underdeveloped sectarian
neighborhoods. This process was repeated in Libya but without invasion and
simply by using NATO servants to front for our mass bombings. That assault on
morality and reason included the usual charges of genocide – when anyone dies
in a foreign country our rulers don’t like, it’s called genocide - and new
descent into the sewers of western consciousness with tales of mass rapes committed
by monsters given Viagra by the evil dictator. Though not accepted by any but
the most tortured minds - our leaders - these tales from the toilets of degeneracy
helped reduce another nation developed along lines not totally in keeping with
the desires of the Master-Race-Chosen-People deities of the west. Libya was
transformed into a shattered place with freedom for high finance and oil
companies and near chaos for almost everyone else. The latest atrocities in
Syria seem to indicate that while the imperial cabal dominated by the MRCP
minority of multi-billionaires and their servants flounders in deadly crisis,
it’s intention is not only to maintain the diseased system but spread its
affliction until the entire global population joins the terminal patients in the
universal intensive care ward that is being created by global capitalism.
The banking crisis that began in the USA and spread to
Europe has brought near total destruction of the social democratic policies
that had previously saved capitalism. The economic cancer that gripped the
world in the 1930s was placed in remission for more than a generation by the
relatively enlightened – for capital - policies called Keynesianism. These
created government spending to prop up anarchic markets that were collapsing
under exclusive minority control. It wisely – for capital - used tax money to
create jobs, food, clothing and shelter for great masses of people, so that
they might not only refrain from revolting against minority power, but also
consume all the goods and services they created in order to profit that
The material improvement in the lives of many – though far
from most – enabled a generation of relative peaceful control for great wealth
in the west, even while the world was consumed by more wars that killed more
millions, forgotten because unlike the Euros who perished in wars one and two,
these were mostly from the darker skinned members of our race, the third world majority.
They were and remain either colonized, neo-colonized or otherwise economically
subjugated and thus remaining invisible to newly created middle classes
subjected to mind numbing consciousness control and mind managing entertainment
that often passes for news on TV. This newly affluent class – by peasant
standards - consumed billions of dollars of mostly needless garbage advertised into
being absolutely necessary-for-survival drugs, cosmetics, therapies, toys, pets,
gadgets and processed foods, while financing with its tax dollars and plastic
debt a massive version of fake democracy and a far more massive supply of real
weapons of mass destruction.
Already badly overstretched and financed only by imaginary electronic
funds backed by very real military power, imperial dictatorship is creating new
problems to bolster its war state while simultaneously destroying a civil society
hardly conceived by moral values but nonetheless preventing complete physical
breakdown. While so-called “austerity” is employed to cut government spending –
the only thing that has maintained MRCP capitalism for a generation – while at
the same time attempting to militarily protect finance from any and all
national models daring to attempt going a different way finds more warfare
threatened, with these idiotic fantasy charges to make the public accepting of
the need to cut back on their meals in order to buy more guns.
As this is written and the arms shipments to Syria increase
along with the death toll and lies, the hallucinatory threat from North Korea
gets headlines. This tiny nation once invaded and bombed by the USA and
suffering death and destruction unknown to intellectually impoverished Americans,
is said to be threatening the USA with bellicose statements. The fact that the
USA has troops on its borders and regularly conducts what criminally infantile
elements here call “war games” on Korean seas play no role at all in North
Korea’s posture, of course. The only thing that may help them, and it is a big
maybe, is that North Korea does possess nuclear weapons and could wreak terrible
retaliatory havoc if the warhead in our half white house decides to go totally
over the edge and attack them.
Meanwhile, the financial crisis has reached new lows in Europe,
especially Cyprus where the bailout not only involves robbing taxpayers but
stealing money from their bank accounts. Those in America who think this is a laughable
situation might start removing their money from these corporate casinos and
placing then under the mattress the way their grandparents did. Of course, authority
may ultimately attempt confiscation of those mattresses so maybe the second amendment
gun lobby fundamentalists have an argument approaching reason? No, but given present
conditions, any crackpot theory will get some hearing. Unfortunately, the most
crackpot of all, from capital central in the USA, is getting far too much.
Teen Stabs His Father For Asking Him to Pull Up His Sagging Pants
Most of us hate the sagging pants fad that has taken over in black
teen America. But we can’t always assume that black kids are the only
ones who are sagging. Cody Burns, an 18-year old teen in Indiana,
apparently had enough of his father when his dad came and asked him to
pull up his sagging pants.
The teen was so angry that he went into the kitchen, got a knife,
came back out, and stabbed his own father in the chest. Cody’s dad
didn’t die from his injuries, but he is going to have to spend some time
in the hospital.
Burns is now sagging his pants in the Floyd County Jail on $75,000
bond. He is facing charges of battery by means of a deadly weapon after
the incident took place.
There are some cities where it’s against the law for teens to sag
their pants. The trend has been in existence for years, and is often
criticized as a spillover of prison culture. Will the fad ever come to
an end?
I really think the point of sagging has moved from the whole prison vibe at t his point. Specially now that most of the time these inmates are in orange jumpsuits. I think that is beyond style or fashion or any of that. I really feel, it is about rebelling, just plain and simple rebelling.
This style has been around so long, that even little white boys are sagging. It's about the energy they get when they do it. They are stuck in the cult of doing it and deriving the energy of disgust, etc, They are energy vampires, probably didn't get enough hugs when they were young. they know they can get energy from our response, or maybe at this point it is so not in their conscious awareness, but they feel it.
It's almost like they need to do it, like they are addicted to drugs or something. It's a subtle form of crowd control, its manipulation in how folks react. It may even go so far as to make them feel powerful in a round about way. What other way to get folks railed up than to sag your pants and get everybody around you going nuts. People are making laws to stop it, others are kicking people out of the house, others are making comics and everyone is trying to find a solution.
When it first came out, I would tell the boys to "Pull your pants -down-" and instinctively they would pull them up. Now if they wear them down so low, they may pull them up but not enough to stay up. They will even wear a belt and walk like a cowboy who just got off his horse, just to sag. They will risk ridicule, denial, risk being ostracized, imprisonment, you name it just for the "style"?
No, I think it's deeper than that. I think it is something going off in them, and they are in such a need for the energy they get from this it has become an addiction for them. It's a religion. It's a way of life. Not a fashion, or style, it is their very existence.
As far as the upper level of folks who created this style, it is a method of division to keep us "hating" on each other. If they can create situations in which we hate each other, or deplore each other we will never unite. We will judge the person who is sagging as an "idiot" and will resist joining in any cause with them because of it, instead of giving them a hug and some love and light and positive re-enforcement.
It reminds me of how they demonized locks, now every body is wearing them.
So my solution is, catch ourselves, before we hate them, send them love and gentle encouragement. They will feel that, I have seen it happen, and they will inadvertently pull up their pants, cause really, when you have folks doing stuff to seek attention, they are missing something in their lives, and that something is just plain ole, unconditional LOVE.
This film moves beyond the headlines of various American military operations to the deeper questions of why, why does America fight? What are the forces; political, economic, and ideological, that drive them to fight against an ever-changing enemy?
Published on Mar 31, 2012
"...WHY WE FIGHT, the new film by Eugene Jarecki which won the Grand Jury Prize at the 2005 Sundance Film Festival, is an unflinching look at the anatomy of the American war machine, weaving unforgettable personal stories with commentary by a "who's who" of military and beltway insiders. Featuring John McCain, William Kristol, Chalmers Johnson, Gore Vidal, Richard Perle and others, WHY WE FIGHT launches a bipartisan inquiry into the workings of the military industrial complex and the rise of the American Empire.
Inspired by Dwight Eisenhower's legendary farewell speech (in which he coined the phrase "military industrial complex"), filmmaker Jarecki (THE TRIALS OF HENRY KISSINGER) surveys the scorched landscape of a half-century's military adventures, asking how -- and telling why -- a nation of, by, and for the people has become the savings-and-loan of a system whose survival depends on a state of constant war.
The film moves beyond the headlines of various American military operations to the deeper questions of why -- why does America fight? What are the forces -- political, economic, ideological -- that drive us to fight against an ever-changing enemy?
"Frank Capra made a series of films during World War II called WHY WE FIGHT that explored America's reasons for entering the war," Jarecki notes. "Today, with our troops engaged in Iraq and elsewhere for reasons far less clear, I think it's crucial to ask the questions: 'Why are we doing what we are doing? What is it doing to others? And what is it doing to us?'"..."
"...Main Characters
Wilton Sekzer -- Officer, NYPD
Fuji & Tooms -- Stealth Fighter Pilots, U.S. Air Force
Lt. Col. Karen Kwiatkowski -- Officer, Pentagon Middle East Desk
William Solomon -- New Recruit, U.S. Army
Anh Duong -- Explosives Expert, Indianhead Naval Center Others
(in order of appearance)
Sen. John McCain (R/AZ)
Chalmers Johnson, CIA 1967-1973
Joseph Cirincione, Carnegie Endowment for Peace
Gore Vidal, Author
Charles Lewis,Center for Public Integrity
Richard Perle, Pentagon Advisor
William Kristol, Editor, The Weekly Standard
Col. Richard Treadway, Commander Stealth Fighter Squadron
James Roche, Secretary of the Air Force
John S.D. Eisenhower, Son of Dwight Eisenhower
Susan Eisenhower, Granddaughter of Dwight Eisenhower
Gwynne Dyer, Military Historian
Donna Ellington, President, Raytheon Missile Systems
Col. Wally Saeger, U.S. Air Force Munitions Directorate
Franklin Spinney, Pentagon Systems Analyst (ret.)
Dan Rather, CBS News..."
The End of America:
This film details the ten steps a country takes when it slides toward Fascism. It takes a historical look at trends in once-functioning democracies that are being repeated in our country today.
Published on May 12, 2012
The End of America details the ten steps a country takes when it slides toward fascism. It's not a "lefty"tot tome, rather a historical look at trends in once-functioning democracies from modern history.
This documentary
reaches into the Orwellian memory hole to expose a 50-year pattern of
government deception and media spin that has dragged the United States
into one war after another from Vietnam to Iraq.
Published on Jun 16, 2012
Support these moviemakers:
Canada, 2007
Directed by: Loretta Alper, Jeremy Earp
War Made Easy cuts through the dense web of spin to probe and scrutinize the key "perception management" techniques that have played huge roles in the promotion of American wars in recent decades. This guide to disinformation analyzes American military adventures past and present to reveal striking similarities in the efforts of various administrations to justify, and retain, public support for war. War Made Easy is essential reading. It documents a long series of deliberate misdeeds at the highest levels of power and lays out important guidelines to help readers distinguish a propaganda campaign from actual news reporting. With War Made Easy, every reader can become a savvy media critic and, perhaps, help the nation avoid costly and unnecessary wars.
Learn about historical examples of western governments covertly attacking their own civilians for political motives. Do the bombings of New York and London have any similarities to these events and why would leaders have a motive to terrorize their own civilians?
TerrorStorm delivers a powerful sucker punch to the architects of global terrorism and how they stage false-flag events to achieve political and sociological ends. Alex journeys from the depths of history from the Gulf of Tonkin, the USS Liberty and Gladio through to the Madrid and 7/7 London bombings and robustly catalogues the real story behind the government induced fable. This film contains viable solutions on how we can reclaim human dignity and freedom and prevent the global population from becoming the slaves of a prison planet. "A state of war only serves as an excuse for domestic tyranny." - Visit the Ocular Stream's political section, for dozens of hard-hitting documentaries and films, all packed with physical evidence and sworn testimony.
America: Freedom to Fascism:
This film exposes the systematic erosion of civil liberties in America. Through interviews Russo connects the dots between money creation, federal income tax, and the national identity card which becomes law in May 2008.
Uploaded on Nov 15, 2011
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The true enemies of liberty and all modern societies and people are the central bank counterfeiters. The largest counterfeiter in the history of the world consists of the Federal Reserve banking scheme, which counterfeits American dollars through fiat currency and fractional reserve banking.
America Freedom to Fascism exposes the fraud and deceit of the Federal Reserve Banks (Fed), the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) and the 16th Amendment, the income tax, the Federal Reserve System, national ID cards (REAL ID Act), human-implanted RFID tags (Spychips), Diebold electronic voting machines, New World Order (globalization), Big Brother, taser weapons abuse, and the use of terrorism by government as a means to diminish the citizens' rights.
The Federal Reserve System is a privately held, for profit corporation, and not a government agency. It was created by bankers for bankers as a lender of last resort, so that whenever a banker ran his businesses poorly he could be bailed out at the expense of the public. The Fed does not have any reserves, it simply creates fiat money out of nothing and lends it out at interest to businesses and the federal government. The American people are then forced to pay for the bailouts to government and businesses through inflation and personal income taxes on their labor. The currency the Fed creates out of thin air and loans out to the government at interest is called Federal Reserve Notes - look at the top of what you may think are your Dollars and you will see they are actually Federal Reserve Notes (FRNs). FRNs are backed by nothing. US Dollars are required by law to be backed by gold and silver, but US Dollars are no longer in circulation. The only real US Dollars still somewhat in circulation are US Silver Eagles and Gold Eagle coins, but they have become so valuable due to the Fed's inflation and destruction of the FRN currency, that it takes thousands of FRNs just to buy a single US $50 gold coin, and dozens of FRNs to buy a single US $1 Dollar silver coin.
The Federal Reserve System operates through manipulation of interest rates, which results in expanding and retracting bubbles of inflation, referred to as business cycles. When the Fed inflates the currency, it is effectively a hidden tax on existing currency, because the value of the newly created currency is stolen from the value of existing currency. This is reflected in continually rising prices, even though advances in technology and manufacturing processes should result in lower prices and a higher standard of living for everyone. Since the creation of the Fed in 1913, it has debased 99% of the value of the Dollar. In other words, it now takes $100 FRNs to buy what just $1 US Dollar would buy in 1913, as a result of inflation due to the Fed counterfeiting so much currency. If you had saved $100 in 1913, it would now only buy as much as a single 1913 Dollar would have bought at that time. The other $99 of value would have been stolen through counterfeiting (cheaply duplicating money out of nothing) over the years, resulting in the vale of the $100 being taxed through inflation, behind your back.
The film explains how monetary policy is the most powerful form of control over people that has ever existed, and is central to the unconstitutional, global New World Order ambitions of those that own and benefit from the Fed. The founder of the Rothschild family international banking dynasty, which became the most successful business family in history, Mayer Amschel Rothschild once declared, "Give me control of a nation's money, and I care not who makes the laws."
Most Americans are kept ignorant of how the Federal Reserve operates through actions of corrupt politicians and an increasingly centralized media. Using terms like, 'quantitative easing,' 'monetizing the debt,' or 'adjusting monetary policy for increased fluidity of credit,' the Fed conceals it's true actions behind veils of legitimacy.
The U.S. Congress has the duty and responsibility of coining and maintaining the value of our dollar and money, yet Congress is being negligent in overseeing the Fed, as many politicians depend upon large campaign contributions from the Federal Reserve system bankers. In 2008, Democrat Barack Obama's #1 campaign contributor was Goldman Sachs, among many other banks involved in the fraudulent Federal Reserve counterfeiting system. What is particularly important to note is that Republican John McCain's top contributors were the same as Barack Obama's.
The Future of Food:
The Future of Food from picklock on Vimeo.
This film draws questions to critical attention about food production that need more public debate. Monsanto, Roundup and Roundup-resistant seeds, collectively wreaking havoc on American farmers and our agricultural neighbors around the world.
There is a revolution happening in the farm fields and on the dinner tables of America — a revolution that is transforming the very nature of the food we eat.
The Future of Food offers an in-depth investigation into the disturbing truth behind the unlabeled, patented, genetically engineered foods that have quietly filled U.S. grocery store shelves for the past decade.
From the prairies of Saskatchewan, Canada to the fields of Oaxaca, Mexico, this film gives a voice to farmers whose lives and livelihoods have been negatively impacted by this new technology. The health implications, government policies and push towards globalization are all part of the reason why many people are alarmed by the introduction of genetically altered crops into our food supply.
Shot on location in the U.S., Canada and Mexico, The Future of Food examines the complex web of market and political forces that are changing what we eat as huge multinational corporations seek to control the world’s food system. The film also explores alternatives to large-scale industrial agriculture, placing organic and sustainable agriculture as real solutions to the farm crisis today.
Century of the Self:
This film tells the untold and sometimes controversial story of the growth of the mass-consumer society in Britain and the United States. How was the all-consuming self created, by whom, and in whose interests?
Published on Nov 29, 2012
The Century of the Self is an award-winning British television documentary series by Adam Curtis. It focuses on how the work of Sigmund Freud, Anna Freud, and Edward Bernays influenced the way corporations and governments have analyzed, dealt with, and controlled people.
"This series is about how those in power have used Freud's theories to try and control the dangerous crowd in an age of mass democracy." —Adam Curtis' introduction to the first episode.
Sigmund Freud, the founder of psychoanalysis, changed the perception of the human mind and its workings. His influence on the twentieth century is generally considered profound. The series describes the propaganda that Western governments and corporations have utilized stemming from Freud's theories.
Freud himself and his nephew Edward Bernays, who was the first to use psychological techniques in public relations, are discussed. Freud's daughter Anna Freud, a pioneer of child psychology, is mentioned in the second part, as is one of the main opponents of Freud's theories, Wilhelm Reich, in the third part.
Along these general themes, The Century of the Self asks deeper questions about the roots and methods of modern consumerism, representative democracy, commodification and its implications. It also questions the modern way we see ourselves, the attitudes to fashion and superficiality.
The business and political world uses psychological techniques to read, create and fulfill our desires, to make their products or speeches as pleasing as possible to us. Curtis raises the question of the intentions and roots of this fact. Where once the political process was about engaging people's rational, conscious minds, as well as facilitating their needs as a society, the documentary shows how by employing the tactics of psychoanalysis, politicians appeal to irrational, primitive impulses that have little apparent bearing on issues outside of the narrow self-interest of a consumer population.
Paul Mazur, a Wall Street banker working for Lehman Brothers in the 1930s, is cited as declaring "We must shift America from a needs- to a desires-culture. People must be trained to desire, to want new things, even before the old have been entirely consumed. [...] Man's desires must overshadow his needs".
1. Happiness Machines (17 March 2002)
2. The Engineering of Consent (24 March 2002)
3. There is a Policeman Inside All Our Heads: He Must Be Destroyed (31 March 2002)
4. Eight People Sipping Wine in Kettering (7 April 2002)
In Episode 4 the main subjects are Philip Gould and Matthew Freud, the great grandson of Sigmund, a PR consultant. They were part of the efforts during the nineties to bring the Democrats in the US and New Labour in the United Kingdom back into power. Adam Curtis explores the psychological methods they have now massively introduced into politics. He also argues that the eventual outcome strongly resembles Edward Bernays vision for the "Democracity" during the 1939 New York World's Fair. It is widely believed that the series was inspired and informed by a book written by the American historian, Stuart Ewen, "PR! A Social History of Spin".
The Corporation:
The documentary attempts to assess the "personality" of the corporate "person" by using diagnostic criteria from FBI consultants, compares the modern, profit-driven corporation to that of a clinically diagnosed psychopath.
Published on Jul 21, 2012
THE CORPORATION is a Canadian documentary film written by Joel Bakan, and directed by Mark Achbar and Jennifer Abbott. The documentary examines the modern-day corporation, considering its legal status as a class of person and evaluating its behavior towards society and the world at large as a psychiatrist might evaluate an ordinary person. This is explored through specific examples. Bakan wrote the book, The Corporation: The Pathological Pursuit of Profit and Power, during the filming of the documentary.
If you like this film, please share it with your friends and support the makers by purchasing a full quality DVD at either of the two links below:
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