Evelyn Lugo shared these thoughts:
"Hard to believe with such great role models in the White House that this could be the case! It confirmed my feelings on Inauguration day, that having a black man in the White House, which was still unthinkable, would bring it out in folks who didn't even consider themselves to be racists... In all, 51 percent of white Americans now express explicit anti-black attitudes.
When did it really change other than on the surface? To me, seeing African Americans, represented along side European Americans in Science, Math, History and the Arts would make a difference and prove that things have changed. We are talking about 400 years not only has racists concepts been placed in the minds of Whites, it has been placed in the minds of Blacks, And racism is world wide. One Black President in one racist country is not gonna change the essential nature of everyone, over night. If a man cheats on his wife continuously and finally gets caught after several years, if he says, I am sorry, does that change the behavior of the "Cheater." If we go a bit deeper, we must also understand the type of African Americans we have in the White House. So it would seem that "change of location" is merely that, a change in location. What is needed is change in the integral manner, meaning and policies in the White House. It don't matter the brand or color of the one who is in there.
Source: Raymond Choiniere
Racism In America Continues.......
Welcome reader,
Before addressing the issue, let me lay out some key terms- inequality, racial profiling, white racism, Asian racism, racism today, racists, racial inequality racism in America today, American racism, individual racism, and prejudices. Each term will be addressed in this hub and you will learn the direct cause for each. You might not consider some of them to be factual or even be deceptive in nature, but each are truly happening within the borders of the United States of America and require your attention.
As you notice, I said- "requires your attention". That simply means that I want to dismiss any misconceptions anyone has heard about with regards to racism being gone from American society. It is more than obvious, to any conscious person who pays attention to others, like people watchers, which I am personally, that the concept of racism is continuing in America.
Before addressing the issue, let me lay out some key terms- inequality, racial profiling, white racism, Asian racism, racism today, racists, racial inequality racism in America today, American racism, individual racism, and prejudices. Each term will be addressed in this hub and you will learn the direct cause for each. You might not consider some of them to be factual or even be deceptive in nature, but each are truly happening within the borders of the United States of America and require your attention.
As you notice, I said- "requires your attention". That simply means that I want to dismiss any misconceptions anyone has heard about with regards to racism being gone from American society. It is more than obvious, to any conscious person who pays attention to others, like people watchers, which I am personally, that the concept of racism is continuing in America.
Racists, Racism Today and Racial Inequality...
Okay, let's start
with "Racists"- this is a person who dislikes for whatever reason,
someone of a different race. It doesn't matter what race, just one that
is not the same as them.
Are there racists in America? You better believe it and be very aware of it, because if left unchecked in it's present state, then you'll see what I am of the understanding, will come to pass- A Racial Civil War!
Yes, folks. I've already seen this "racial" Civil War coming and is the primary reason for this hub. To raise awareness of citizens. It is important for you to believe it, because of a simple action that took place, the day Barrack Obama became The President of the United States of America.
Yes, it was a history day, but it also shattered other records, less known to the average person. The record I speak of is in the recruitment cycle of the "White Power" groups in America on the day Obama won the election. The following day, the largest "White Power" group in America signed up over 2000 new members.
Are there racists in America? You better believe it and be very aware of it, because if left unchecked in it's present state, then you'll see what I am of the understanding, will come to pass- A Racial Civil War!
Yes, folks. I've already seen this "racial" Civil War coming and is the primary reason for this hub. To raise awareness of citizens. It is important for you to believe it, because of a simple action that took place, the day Barrack Obama became The President of the United States of America.
Yes, it was a history day, but it also shattered other records, less known to the average person. The record I speak of is in the recruitment cycle of the "White Power" groups in America on the day Obama won the election. The following day, the largest "White Power" group in America signed up over 2000 new members.
Racial Inequality Continues In America
inequality...Does it actually exist? Of course it does, because racism
still exists. If you thought for one second that racial inequality was
non-existent, then you were only fooling yourself. There are plenty of
people who despise people of another race, and prejudice against them
for many reasons.
today and Racism in America, are tough subjects to talk about, because
too many people get hot under the collar, the second you bring up it up
in conversation. They rather not talk about it and when they do talk
about racism, then you have no reason to wonder why they do not like to
talk about racism.
still believe America is a Nation of Equality...? The problem is that
many do not understand equality, in and of, itself, and prejudices begin
to fly, before thought can be used. If you are seriously interested in
learning about "Equality", then when done reading, read another one of
my hubs- "How Does Equality Survive In Capitalism?". It is a very enlightening hub and then you'll more than likely understand the true meaning of "Equality" in America.
White Racism and Asian Racism.....
as I bring forth the titled terms- "White" Racism and "Asian" Racism, I
would like you to not cringe at the thought, but would like you to be
aware of the fact that both White Racism and Asian Racism are also very
much alive in America.
racism is brought on by everyone of another race, who dislikes those
who are white. Now, even those who are not white are mistakenly hated,
because they look or appear white, but are not really white. This shows
how ignorant people are about racism and also shows how emotions cloud
rational thought.
racism is a new sort of racism in America. It does not have the history
of "black" and "white" racism, but is destructive nonetheless. A lot of
"white" and "black" people, do not care for Asians coming to America,
because it creates less opportunity for them. This is the bottom line
for Asian racism. It's not so much about "color", but for other reasons.
White Racism - American Racism - Individual Racism
in case you're not enjoying my article so far, I would like to let you
know, I am not surprised. I am a "white" male, about 42 years of age and
managed to live my entire life, taking racism as a pinch of salt.
Individual racism is actually a myth. It doesn't exist. You are either a
racist or not. There cannot be an individuality to racism. American
racism is a breeding process that continues to go on within families and
generations. Why? Stupidity actually.
have had people of another color, sneer at me, because I happen to be
better at something than they were and was recognized for it. I've had
some make claims against me, trying to insinuate that I was a racists or
that I perpetuated racism in America.
personally, have no racial judgment, because I do not look at people
based on their racial make up, which means, I do not use racial
profiling of any sort. I do however, make judgments based on actions. If
your actions deceive even you, and you cannot tell what you actions are
saying to other people, then I think the time has come for a little
Racial profiling, and prejudices.....
I will be the first to admit that racial profiling, and prejudices
continue to haunt citizens in America. It is done by many people, who
are unwilling or refuse to properly understand life. They are obviously
missing some kind of knowledge and wisdom about living life, for which,
continues to escape their feeble mind.
prejudices, also continue to exist and I can vouch for it, as a
witness, because I have and still to this day, continue to see it in the
actions of many people, even though they do not know I know about them.
The thing that gets me the most is that people truly believe that they
can hide their racist prejudices, but every time they open their mouth
or take action, they give themselves away.
people are ignorant enough to believe that just because someone
complains about another person, it is racially motivated and this I know
from first hand experience. My mother works very hard at her job, and I
know that because, as a kid/child, I use to go to work with her and
watch how she did her job. Please do realize, my mother has been at the
same job for over 30+ years and she would not have kept her job, if she
was a slacker, per se.
White Racism and Racists, and Prejudices..
mother has to deal with racists in her workplace, and prejudices. She
has an administrator who is "white", the top dog of the Nursing Home
where she is employed. She has an immediate supervisor, who is "black"
and another boss type, who is the immediate supervisor, to her immediate
supervisor, who is also "black".
be clear, my mother isn't a racist, in the sense of the word, because
she doesn't give a damn what people look like, she just simply rather
work with people who are actually going to do work and not just sit on
their ass, and do nothing. That comes from her own work ethic.
does hate people who are lazy or slack off at work, because it makes
her job even more difficult. She happens to work with two other "black"
people, for one, were not trained properly, so that doesn't help.
Secondly, both of them are lazy and refuse to do the job, as my mother
knows how. They constantly complain about her, and spew hateful remarks
at her, while she works. Each one constantly demeans her work to the two
supervisors above them, so as to get her written up and fired. This
sort of action can only come from white racism and racists.
Only racial hatred makes people liars...
who are racist, continue to be liars. They perpetuate demeaning remarks
and try to exploit racial hatred, so they can make themselves appear to
be a better person. It only takes a half educated person to listen to
their words and notice that their actions are that of a racist.
on a serious note- How to change? Or, Bring about change in America?
Well, first off, citizens need to be more aware of racism and racist
remarks, as for what they are truly. Those who do nothing, only help
continue racism in America.
I ask for your help, whenever you get a chance, because you are seeing
it in action, do something about it. Do not sit by and let it happen.
Take a more active role in protecting others, because it's the right
thing to do. Do not do it for one race and not another, because that too
is a sign of racism. When a person of a particular race is acting out,
in a racist way, bring it to their attention. Make sure they are aware
of their action.
they tell you "damn straight, I'm racist", regardless of why, then
inform them that they are not helping the situation nor apparently they
do not understand life.
Thank you for your time
Raymond Choiniere II - Cagsil Services Founder
Source: http://cagsil.hubpages.com/hub/Continuing-Issue-Racism-In-The-United-States-of-America
Thank you for your time
Raymond Choiniere II - Cagsil Services Founder
Source: http://cagsil.hubpages.com/hub/Continuing-Issue-Racism-In-The-United-States-of-America
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