Thursday, November 8, 2012

To Obama Supporters

It is a very sad day. the handwriting on the wall is obscured by ludicrousity, insanity and blatant denial. The masses travail in the muck and mire of an ill-fated illusion. Their deluded hope and belief in a denigrated system, sold out to the power elite. Nothing has changed save a momentary dream awakening to nightmarish proportions. I don't care who thinks I am a vile voice in the wilderness. 

I am a truth warrior, and the truth is the truth. The first time around, no one would listen, so with silent knowing, it came to pass, what could not be spoken aloud. The second time around, courage must speak its truth and open itself to frontal attack from those who cry "naysayer, kill joy, party buster, etc." 

Wake up, people, before it is too late! We live on a prison planet and have just witnessed, the changing of the guards. Same system, different guards. Same system, different keys to the cells. Same system and it will not be changed by the guards or their handlers. NB 

President Obama's second term in the White House was largely secured by record numbers of votes from ethnic minorities, while his popularity among whites plummeted, exit polls have revealed.

Hispanics, the fa

stest-growing demographic in the United States, accounted for ten per cent of all voters in the election, an increase on last year's record of nine per cent, the polls suggested.

Of these, 7
1 per cent voted for Obama, up from 67 per cent in 2008. In a sign Republicans are failing to win over this increasingly influential group, Romney won just 27 per cent.

A record number of Asian voters - three per cent of the electorate - also turned out, with nearly three-quarters backing Obama. He also won a staggering 93 per cent of African-American votes.

Yet while his popularity among ethnic minorities swelled, he received just 39 per cent of the white votes, down by four per cent on the last election, a drop his campaign had anticipated.

Read more:

Considering the 1.5 million deportations, and the incarceration of so many others, it begs to question, why the Hispanics came out so strongly for him. Not to mention the fact that his address to African Americans was stop complaining, take your slippers off and get to work on change. And the closest he came to digging in with the Black masses was hanging out with Jay-Z (a one per center) and Beyonce',(I won't get into what I think about her as a role model for young girls). And writing in on the Census report that he was African American. Not to mention the removal of a towering figure for Black unity and African unity, Muamar Qaddaffi. Hmm, me thinks I sense a hint of cognitive dissonance. NB

"we cling to voting like its our greatest & only chance for change; our one and only lifeboat. we misrepresent ancestors & claim we must participate in the process becuz of their past suffering, while ignoring the fact that their analysis was rooted in their times. since then, we've been brutally uprooted & though we can identify the hour, we never seem to kno what time it is. we swear voting is the answer, and when it doesn't work, we still think it's the answer, and when it's proven to us that it doesn't work, we still think it's the answer, with a birth defect."

Laini Mataka
excerpt from "there's paralysis in our analysis", from THE PRINCE OF KOKOMO by laini (don't tread on me) mataka

Congolese people who turn to become the "lovers-of-America" and who live in America or in Congo or elsewhere and still believing that Obama or Romney or any western groups(civil "rights", NGOs,etc).Any of those vampires,reptiles,looters,criminals will come save you and your country.In contrary,they are plotting to destroy you,remove you from
your land so they can easily get access to your forests,mines,oil,etc.You are the ONLY one to save your country.Then,wake up,team up with your Congolese and others African sisters and brothers to fight against the invaders/aliens,looters.You and your African brothers and sisters together will build a strong Congo and the rest of Africa.

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