NB Commentary: This country dedicates
monuments, federal buildings, streets, towns, libraries, roads and holidays to
its war criminals, slave holders, pedophiles, drug addicts, corporate moguls
and mafia connected king pins. It says a lot about how it protects its criminals,
honors them and gives them high office in the land.
Small wonder that
they would select someone like Bill Clinton for the presidency and quite
possibly, his wife as well. I used to always wonder about that. It seems
strange to me that the American public don't get it or see it.
They continually
rally behind these criminals as if they are in the twilight zone with no clue
of how deep the rabbit hole goes. But as I get older, it all seems to make more
Why would Killery
even flinch at an FBI investigation, when they have skirted passed so many crimes
in the past? It would only stand to reason that being knee-deep in the
criminality that has subdued this country... one could only expect that this
(the email scandal) shall pass, be swept under the rug, or a few folks go
missing; thus the corrupt debauchery can and will continue unabated.
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