Saturday, November 5, 2016

Is Hillary's Campaign Collapsing? (Videos)

Is Hillary's Campaign Collapsing?

What's that quote about power and how it corrupts? Governments have been corrupt since they were established. Humanity has given power to its governments so that it can avoid being responsible. When humanity takes responsibility for its own behavior, there would be no need for governments. Governments rob, steal, cheat and lie to its masses in order to create the illusion that they are doing something of value when in fact they are thieves and robbers.

The US governmental system from top to bottom offers every chance to perpetrate frauds, back room deals, lame philanthropy in the form of lobbyist, supposed worth of worthless votes where the people's choice can be overridden by a host of nefarious men behind the curtain. This country born out of unrest and protest, laid upon the foundation of racism and the massacre of millions of indigenous, secured in the white halls of rich land owners, can only be a failed experiment of the NWO.

We can scour the corruption of previous governing political figures all the way back to before Plymouth Rock. Thru the annals of supposed American history we can search and seek out one case of corruption, blackmail, larceny, treason and a host of other crimes that are forbidden for the masses and hidden for the elite. But today, why is it different? Because we have Mass Media. Because we have the INTERNET.

I always considered myself a conscious person about the shenanigans that went on and go on in government local, state and federal. But with the revelations that come by way of the Internet, I am shocked and appalled that I "missed that one!"

So today, Hillary's crimes are on blast. And Trump's inordinate behavior is on blast! Along with Huma, Weiner, Soros, Podesta, the Rothschild and all the others. The Internet has become the venue and tool for investigation into the crimes of ancient history to the present day. Where we may have had to wait for the Pony express or drum signals to bring us the news, we can now, with a tap of our finger, bring the world and all its shadows to our devices at a moment's notice.

Hillary is on the hot seat, not because she just started doing anything. When she started 40 years ago.. the attempts to reveal her crimes were feeble at best and defeated by any means necessary at worse. She has progressed with the passage of time, but she has not evolved. She has not evolved to the understanding that what used to be so, just ain't so no more and that while she was able to slip throw the cracks barely noticed, that is no longer possible.

Anyone at all from anywhere in this entire world can skip the Pony Express, deafen their ears to the drum calls and sit back in their comfortable homes and glean the thousands of emails that Wikileaks has issued.  Anyone who uses a computer on a regular basis and uses emails knows that bleaching on system does not bleach those that have been synced and if anyone is a Google Administrator for the email accounts of their business, they know that emails can be retrieved even if you "think" you deleted them. Like they said about her health practitioners using archaic methods to address her health issues, she too is using archaic methods to get herself off the hot seat! She really did not keep up with the times, and having a server in her home for "personal" email correspondence is patently ridiculous unless she was the most popular person on Facebook Twitter, instagram and everywhere else and she needed to contact all them folks.

Nowadays, email is becoming obsolete for personal correspondence when messaging can be embedded in a social media platform. Hillary didn't keep up with the times, but the times have caught up with her. She cannot use old methods for current situations. I would wager that while she may have pictures of herself using a smartphone, there is no indication, based on her behavior that she is really up to date on how these modern day contraptions work.

If NSA can follow your every keystroke on your lonely computer somewhere in the hills of Sedona, than quite surely they can monitor what she is doing. Have they not? And if so..... "What do they know, and when did they know it????" To coin a phrase.

The American people and actually the entire world is reading Hillary's emails. Hillary is on the International Hotseat, and if the American enabling voter wishes to ignore this, just remember, the entire world and quite possibly the Universe sees what you chose to be blind to. 
Hillary is an old style crook who has gotten lost in the Bonnie and Clyde sea of corruption without a modern day life raft. In other words, the enabling American voter can pretend she is above reproach, but the rest of the world is trending #cringe #panic #corrupt #wtf and this will be observed on much more advanced technology as the biggest hiccup in the political history of mankind. 

Why Hillary Clinton's Campaign Is Collapsing | True News

Links Of Interest:
The Clinton Syndrome: The Establishment’s Weapon for National Conquest (Part 1)

The Clinton Syndrome, Part 2: Can Hillary Escape This Time?

WaPo/ABC poll has Hillary campaign collapsing like a pneumonia-stricken old lady

The COLLAPSE of Hillary, She DROPS 8 Points in 4 Days

Could the Deep State Be Sabotaging Hillary?
August 8, 2016
Maybe Hillary is the Deep State's shoo-in for president. But I suspect doubts in the Deep State have advanced to active sabotage for the reasons noted below.

Hillary is Finished, This Exploding Google Trend Proves It: "Change Early Vote"

Can Hillary Escape This Time?

Video : Crooked Hillary Clinton is the “Nixon” of Our Time, Only MUCH WORSE


BREAKING BOMBSHELL: NYPD Blows Whistle on New Hillary Emails: Money Laundering, Sex Crimes with Children, Child Exploitation, Pay to Play, Perjury
New released e-mails puts Hillary Clinton back in the hot seat
The Myth of Authority (Video Contest Winner)

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