Saturday, February 11, 2017

"Is Michelle Obama A Man?" The Racist Implications (video)

NB Commentary: So, let's talk about the racism and its implications on why folks believe Michelle Obama is a man. I briefly mention it in the 5th video in this series but I want to develop it a little more in this video.   Let me start by saying..... Racism/White Supremacy is a disease that has infected everyone, Black and White. The controllers felt that it was time to step it up a notch so they invented Racism/White Supremacy to enhance their control over the masses. Folks need to check out Tim Wise, a white boy, who candidly talks about Racism/White Supremacy/White Privilege.

Humans have always been discretionary in their interactions with other humans. It started with clans and tribes. Back in the ancient times, for the most part, everyone was of the same ethnic group so there was no need to promote separation by ethnicity. They would just divide themselves into clan groups, you know, the Hatfield's and the McCoys, Hausa and the Fulani.  When the world became smaller due to humans moving out of their respective covens, they began to fear loss. This fear of loss caused them to be even more selective and exclusive. With the advent of the Trans-Atlantic slave trade indigenous peoples who already had their own clan identities were shipped into the Western world among mostly Europeans and their descendants.

Europeans were just as tribal as the Africans but now they had a new threat. The African. In order to preserve their place and protect their fears, they created the notion of race and race superiority.  I am not going to mention the names of the forerunners of this ideology, except to say, that I know the story, but I sometimes forget the names. Mr. Wise could probably give you those names and dates.

Over time, White supremacy became the calling card and Africans were relegated to the level of the underclass, ignorant, stupid, moronic with no moral values and no religion. Making these statements part of the educational system gave the Controllers ample ammunition to sustain their power, their property, their ideology and their Supremacy.

Politics became the stomping ground for the perpetration of the myth of racism as they separated the people into two groups. Whites and coloreds. they further instigated the divide by demonizing anyone who would want to protect and/or see the coloreds as equals with inherent human rights.

That started with the so-called Founders of this nation, most if not all whom were slave owners.  The so-called Founders did not have women or coloreds in mind when they said "all men are created equal." They only had themselves and other rich landowners and bankers in mind. The words are lofty and people want to say them, but the intent was far from it.

The electoral college was established, and in counting the population of the United States, the African was considered 3/5 of a man in order to gain representation during the process of selecting the President of the United states. Blacks were only included because the southern states had a large population but did not feel they were equally represented, because they were not counting the Negroes. The 3/5th's of a man clause was added, and clearly demonstrates the racism/white supremacy of those in power at the time.

The next move was to get the whites to rally behind the political leaders, even to their detriment and even against their own interests, if it meant that they could be part of the White Brotherhood, or the perceived White Privilege that would be granted to them due to the color of their skin. I could go on but I don't want to make this video too long.

The whole thing is so convoluted.

Now, today, they are trying to say the Trump is dividing America. They are projecting their racism/white supremacy onto Trump. He gets to be the sacrificial lamb when in essence racism was there long before he got to the white house. Racism is a part of American culture. It is embedded into it.  And it is insidious and well hidden in many respects, not all, but in many.

So, when Obama became president the US, it showed just how divided this country was.  Some would like to say, they are not racist, because they voted for Obama. But, if you read articles and comments under them, you can get an idea of how racist folks really were. I believe they simply voted for him out of their desire to show the world, they were ready to open their hearts and minds. Unfortunately, as soon as he started doing stuff they didn't like that old shoe came hurling out of the closet.

But you know what? I believe it's all part of the agenda. It's like slicing in to a whole pie.  You take one slice at a time till it's all gone. Obama was used to start the pie slicing. The Puppet masters knew about the deep seated racism in this country because they spent centuries planting it. So, the horrible stuff that came out after he won, along with the death threats, to the point that they had to give his limo with extra protection,  Folks have tried to jump the wall, they arrested skin heads who threatened his life, and the Tea Party/Birther movement emerged with Trump at the helm. Quiet as it's kept, blacks are still fighting for equal rights as citizens of the United States and they have birth certificates stating they were born here.

Attacks by the police skyrocketed and then, throw in the numerous false flag shootings and blaming Obama for being a Muslim, and you are down to a very few slices left to completely divide the country.

Personally, living in this country every day, what they should be saying is that the Obama's needed their heads examined for even putting their lives and their children's lives in jeopardy. Folks claim they are not racist, but they don't understand how we process racism nor have they been the brunt of it.

We know that to call Michelle a man because she has masculine features is racist and goes all the way back to the slave trade.  We know that exploiting our women and their sexuality goes back there too. We know that the model of beauty and femininity is that of a white woman. We know that saying Obama is married to a man is racist because they are saying he is not man enough too have a real woman.  We also know that the cry for Obama to defend his woman is a reminiscent of the many times, our men were not even allowed to defend their women and had to watch their women abused in the most horrific ways.

Why is it that they see African Americans, in the position of POTUS and FLOTUS and point out that they are using taxpayers money? It's a slap in the face, as if to say they are welfare recipients, another racist slur.  But isn't that what Presidents and their wives and families do. They are getting paid to lay their lives out there for the entire world to scrutinize and that is how this system is set up, to use Taxpayer's money. They make bombs to kill people with taxpayers' money.

We know that black manhood has been the brunt of racism from saying that Michael Brown looked like a big beast, and he scared the Police officer. to making Obama effeminate.

We know this, but today, many don't realize that they are racist, and that's why I am bringing the aspect of racism being the hidden reason that folks want to believe Michelle Obama is a man.

Racism has gone into the dark corner of this country's mind. It has been glossed over, powder puffed, affirmative actioned, and regentrified in communities across America, however, it still exists, because It's etched into the DNA of whites and blacks, here and around the world.  Whether they were a party to any of it, the Ancestors, black and white, were.

African Americans do not have the luxury of forgetting that racism/white supremacy exists in this country. We see it everyday in some of the most insidious ways. We know what it looks like. We brace ourselves for it whenever we interact with White folks.  We know that sometimes they just don't realize they are being racist.  Some of us know, that giving us a White God to Worship, is the most racist thing that could have ever been done to the Black Man.

The only way to stop it is for White folks to step out of their denial and accept that it's there. Like an old shoe left in the closet, collecting dust, it's still there and that old shoe, when the individual feels the most threatened, will be hurled.  Whites will then have to examine the many ways they show it and stop it!

White folks have to face the ugly past of their Ancestors and examine the thousands of ways their Ancestors perpetrated racism/white supremacy and be honest that it ain't all gone, there's still some tentacles of it left in them.

And then, and only then will white folks be in the position to cut away the tentacles of racism/white supremacy. And they may need a little help from their black friends who can tell them that what they said or did was patently racist.

Divide and conquer is the name of the game. If you got this far in my video I am grateful, and I want to say to all of you. We are all human beings, we have one home, planet earth, we are all of one race, the human race. We have ethnic differences and some advantages, but we are all human and like my mom used to say.... "our behind holes all point to the ground."

Links of Interest
Racist Cartoon Depicting The First Lady As A Man
By Black Fu on May 19, 2016
10:44 AM - 13 May 2016
Racist Cartoon Compares An Angry Masculine Michelle Obama To A Happy Dainty Melania Trump  by Simone C. Porter
Check Out Ernestine Shepherd: The 75-year-old bodybuilding grandma
Incredibly Muscular Female Competitive Bodybuilders

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