Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Why Pay Creators When the Service Was Once Free? (Videos)

"Why Pay Creators When the Service Was Once Free?"

Actually, I think this is a very good question. Even with YouTube red, folks are wondering why do they have to pay for content now when YouTube videos were free to watch.

A lot of changes have taken place over the past couple of years and have ramped up over the past 6-8 months with YouTube doing its level best to censor channels.  They have repeatedly changed their announcements about their procedures and what they deem to be Advertiser Friendly or not advertiser friendly. To me it's really a bunch of BS and when you get to the point where you spend time creating content, knowing in the back of your mind that immediately if not sooner, your work will be demonetized it's very disappointing.

So I am also using this video to let my subscribers know, that my YouTube presence will go down to a dull roar. I am going to upload content to Bitchute from now on and also Steemit. For me, since I am not making that much money at all on YouTube, making the transition will not make that big of a difference. I just ask you all to follow me over there. I will do my best to keep you posted via email if you wish. But you will have to give me your email address so I can send you links to my vids. I can also send you a message via Google+ but you have to follow me on Google+ to even get that message. I will post my vids on social media platforms , like Twitter, LinkedIn and Facebook as well, but the link will lead you to Bitchute.  You don't have to sign up to view video but you probably will have to in order to make a comment or upvote a video.

There are alternatives to YouTube and though they may be small, they are growing and since YouTube is showing us there is no love lost, why hold on to a sinking ship.  This will probably be my last video if not close to my last video that I will be uploading to YouTube, because this censorship is stifling for the creative genius that I am.

Now, let's talk about the topic of this video.

This is a complex situation on so many levels.

1. Many people started their channels on YouTube as a hobby, not just psychic readers, but gamers and news reporters. At some point, you hear, "Turn your hobby into your profession."

YouTube did just that and encouraged YouTubers to become partners. In their partner programs and affiliate programs your profession once a hobby can now create revenue.  Then they encouraged content creators to make more and more content. The more content you make the more exposure you get the more revenue you make, but also, the more time you need.  After a while your full time job becomes part time to non existent because you cannot do YouTube content creation full time and work. A lot of people spend hours and hours just getting their videos edited and presentable. They want to be professional in their presentation, that brings more views as well.

2. A professional Tarot or Psychic reader is not doing it as a hobby, simply by the fact that they are professional. Time and energy but the Psychic energy to get that reading right is intense. You just can't step out there all wrong, you will lose credibility and folks won't be coming to your channel. 

As a professional, psychics have to handle themselves with that decorum to maintain credibility or no views on their channel.  But professionals get paid for the service they provide. Back in the day, we didn't have YouTube to generate revenue for our profession.

3. I did a video on Patreon and its ties to YouTube were very uncanny. A Youtube creator who did quite well on YouTube started Patreon. He was a musician and his aim was to create a platform for musicians and artists who could get paid for their art work especially Indie Artists. Sometimes folks think that art and music is a hobby as well, but it can become a profession over time for many people. Professionals get paid, although in this culture, artists have a hard time unless they sell their souls to the devil, LOL.

Anyways, I think the Patreon thing is overrated. Who can pay for all the channels they love each and every month?  Who can afford it? And then you have folks who complain about not getting any patron funds in.  I see Patreon as a gimmick because YouTube knew well in advance that they were gonna shift gears and make it harder for content creators. They were set to demonetize, censor and suppress views when that Patreon thing came out. The only way it even works is if you have 10K subscribers.  but there are other platforms that people can monetize their videos on, that don't require a monthly payment, what I don't like especially is the fact that you have to sign up in order to even become a Patron. Not a good hook.

So yeah, I feel ya, and for those who are doing general readings on general topics, folks can do the whole thing or just a snippet and tell folks to trot on over to Patreon for the full shebang, but that's how it's set up. It's a hook to get folks over there.

YouTube has been a classic demon and is waging economic warfare against its creators, across the board.. no matter their content, they are trying to stream line content to a certain genre that they can control. Heck, they demonized my Psychic reading on Trump... you can't even do a psychic reading on anything serious anymore.

I hope this wasn't too long.. but that's my take on it.

For the full narrative, links and videos please check out my blog
Nana's Rants On Things From A-Z

Support My Work, it would be greatly appreciated. YouTube is doing its level best to make it hard for content creators.

Available for Psychic Readings, Dream Interpretation and Workshops.

YouTube Censorship Conspiracy Theory Joins the Cult of the Alt.-Right

STRIKE 1: Federaljacktube4 attacked by youtube over 7 second clip from Robot Chicken
Youtube attacks via the backdoor, Quietly switching off the embed function on random videos
Youtube allows full length uploads of main stream movies, but truth movies & accounts are deleted
Confirmed: Youtube is revoking the full length upload capabilities of truthers

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