Saturday, December 23, 2017

The Exploitation of Christmas (Videos)

The Exploitation of Christmas
I am continuing my Holiday rant for personal reasons that I won't go into now but I just gotta say this….

Okay folks, you all know I am a rebel with a cause. I don't celebrate these holidays. But for those of you who do and want to know what I will say when you wish me "Merry Christmas", here is my response when from your Christmasy heart you wonder if I will wish you the same. 

It's so annoying to be expected to reciprocate. When you give a gift, verbal or otherwise, do you stick out your other hand expecting reciprocity? If so, how genuine is your gift giving in the first place?

So here's my response to those who expect me to say Merry Christmas back to them.  I would say, "I wish you long life, health and wealth, in mind body and spirit."

Christmas is a capitalistic hoax perpetrated on the public to get them further into debt. It's rooted in a lie that Jesus was born on that day when in fact it is a celebration of the Solstice and the promised return to life by Nimrod's mother. The lights on the tree are the worship of Nimrod. Trees do not belong in the house, and the Christian Bible tells you so. It amazes me that so many Christians who flail against paganism and devil worship get caught up in this every year. Santa Claus history goes back to ancient times of child sacrifice. Why do Christians do this year after year?

Folks need to research the real history of this holiday, which ain't holy at all. If they did, maybe they would abandon this pagan festival. 

I get a lot of grief in the comment section about my videos where I am doing psychic readings, yet I bet you a plug nickel those same folks got a tree in their house with balls hanging from it that represent the sun.  Not to mention if they have small children, they are lying to them about some jolly ole' Saint Nick character that's gonna put presents under that tree.  You can't have it both ways, point a finger at me, call me demonic and then go on to participate in this Christmas psyops.

Didn't the Christ abhor the profusion of senseless buying and selling? Didn't he throw the changers out of the Temple?

So many people die and are depressed during these times because they cannot keep up the facade of opulence. People get angry over gift giving.

In fact, I always say, who ever heard of a "birthday party" where everyone else gets gifts.  If it's Jesus' birthday, why are people giving gifts to each other?  What is the gift that these folks are giving to Jesus?  Are they giving the gift of life to the innocence?  Are they dedicating themselves to feeding the homeless or visiting the sick?  Are they following in the footsteps of Jesus by loving their neighbors?  Are they speaking kindly to one another?  Do they treat others as they would have others treat them?  What type of New Year's resolutions are they really making that have nothing to do with their own self interests but the in the interest of making this world a better place to live in?

Or, do they realize that by placing gifts under a Christmas tree that they are making pagan offerings to Nimrod, the Sun God.  Well, I bet he knows that.

This cycle of exploitation has got to be a thorn in the side of the very person it is supposed to celebrate!

Millions of dollars make the rich man richer and the poor man poorer.

So I send you a love offering that I hope will last the duration of your life on this planet. Long life, health and wealth, in mind, body and spirit, Beloved.

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