Greetings, Peace
and Blessings to you, your family and loved ones. My name is Nana Baakan and I have a lot of
questions about what is happening in our world today.
I am going to upload a few videos over the next few days. I just want to share with you some of my questions and get your responses. These videos are simply opinion pieces, I make no claims of being a scientist or having any inside info. Please take that for what it's worth, I just have a lot of questions.
Thanks to all my subscribers who stopped by and to new visitors by sure to subscribe.
The topic of Today's video is "Thesis-Antithesis, Goddess Corona's Mask-Charade and the New Abnormal".
One of the things that I do not and cannot understand is the fact that they have basically allowed folks to participate in the worse mask wearing protocols of all times. Doctors, Nurses and other medical professionals know the truth and they are silent or barely audible when it comes to alerting folks of the proper use of these masks in the first place, and then you have the Surgeon General telling folks they can use a T-Shirt, and other folks are making mask out of cloth that has holes so large all types of whatevers can get thru.
They are encouraging folks to wear masks like some kind of badge of honor but they are basically useless and more of a FASHION STATEMENT and a BRAND OF SLAVERY than anything else. They are improperly used, improperly handled and improperly disposed of, and the cloth/reusable ones are of not benefit except to make it harder for you to breath. What I think is criminal is that folks who are supposed to know better are not telling us this, they are simply going along with the charade. Got us all masked and it ain't even Halloween, SMDH…
This mask thing just raises the hair on the back of my neck.
Not sure which is more hair raising the fear, the mask, the draconian measures, the lies, the hypocrisy, the mockery, the raping of the economy, the lying so called experts, the hidden agenda, the new abnormal acceptance, the forced vaccines, the home prisons, the shutdown of transits, the snitchers, the social shamers, the uninformed big mouths, the indoctrinated MSM zealots, the carbon copy ideologues, the lack of common sense, the fear of the sun, ocean, and regular outdoors, the ultra Sharpe focus in Covid-19 while deaths from other causes are in the gazillions, the mass mania, the mass hypnosis, the staunch believers in government being there to help when they took down the towers and blamed Bin Laden, the politricks that they have played over and over again and most people believe in government now.
Hey. Government = mind control
Bottom line, the sheeple will be slaughtered and the oligarchs will have more wealth than they could ever imagine. And Bill Gates and Dr. Fauci will ride the hide tide slapping each other on the back and laughing at how easy it was to fool every one with this mask-charade.
There was once a time when the squat team would be called in to suppress a would be bank robber if a black man showed up, dressed in black clothing, a hoodie and a black mask as he entered the bank. All types of alarms would be set off, folks would hit the floor, cash draws would be locked and security guards would tackle that black man to the ground if not kill him right there on the spot. Today, it's commonplace, and what can anyone say about this black militia? Well, at least they are all wearing their masks.
Facebook fact-checkers censored this picture, saying it goes against community guidelines and all I am saying is if you are gonna wear a mask to prevent the spread of a virus, then this is the best most efficient mask to wear, otherwise you are not preventing the spread, you are simply covering your face, and preventing your spit from going out into the air and landing on someone. If you are asymptomatic, then you are not gonna carry the virus.
Now, if you are weak, tired, overworked, underpaid, stressed, and have chronic illness like heart disease, diabetes, lung disease, congestive problems, pneumonia, and various other core-morbidities, you are in a nursing home and finally you are scared of a virus that has killed barely .5% of the population wear a mask, but wear the right one, cloth masks do absolutely nothing.
In my next video I will present a compilation of various videos that bring out this exact point. So stay tuned.
An ill-fitted one allows all types of air to pass to your nose, and throat. the surgical masks have synthetic fibers that you are breathing in. Any chemicals you use to sanitize your mask, is being breathed in as well.
If you are touching your face, taking your mask on and off, then you are contaminating the mask. Health workers change they masks periodically throughout the day and dispose of them "properly" to minimize contamination. If you are removing your mask to eat, drink, talk, take picture, below your nose, then take the damn thing off and throw it in the trash, otherwise, you have swallowed the new fashion craze... signature masks with designs are not safe. They do not protect you or anyone from you.
Cheap masks are not safe either, and the N95 respirators need to be fitted. If the mask is ill fitted it is not doing anything but making you look weird. If you have a beard, or facial hair, the air is going to seep in past the mask.
Just ask yourself a few questions as you watch the so-called experts pontificate on this mask-charade.
If you are wearing a mask and not wearing it properly, then you are doing more harm than good. Are you touching your face? Wearing the same mask for several hours? Adjusting your mask several times. Sweating, coughing, sneezing into your mask? Washing your mask and re-wearing it? Wearing an ill fitting mask? Placing it on and off as you eat and drink? Are you lying your mask on the dashboard? Handling it with your hands? Does your mask has open spaces around your cheeks? Wearing a mask over a beard? Wearing it under your chin? Wearing it under your nose?
My point is, if you insist on wearing a mask, then wear it correctly otherwise you are defeating the purpose for wearing it.
Most of all folks need to use common sense. If you are a health worker, you are wearing your mask so that you do not contaminate a sterile environment, you cannot sterilize the outdoors, or any open-air environment. Health workers all know how to wear their masks properly and even they are not doing so, making tic-tok videos dancing in the most unsanitary of places.
The mask is a ritual, a ritual of compliance. They just want to see just how gullible people are and how willing they are to do exactly what does not make sense, and like Jim Jones they will drink the cyanide (take the vaccine) all under the guise of avoiding inevitable death. The only way to get out of here is to die, and they have us so afraid of dying that we forgot how to live in truth and light and ding-dong common sense.
Sorry for the long rant, but I just can't with this mask thing!!
Let me take a moment and show you a couple of articles that can be found on the internet.
The links to these article will be in the blog post listed below. I will not quote from them, but you can read them at your leisure.
Don’t wear a Mask! Bill Gates – An African Perspective…, A Yorkshire Man Speaks…
Masks Don’t Work: A Review of Science Relevant to COVID-19 Social Policy
Osterholm Update: COVID-19 Special Episode: Masks and Science June 3, 2020
"Thesis, Anti-thesis, synthesis.. It's a reprogramming in motion. Turning the world upside down, to a so called new normal infested with total cognitive dissonance and Stockholm syndrome sheeple."
This concludes my commentary on Goddess Corona Mask-Charade.
Thanks for watching, thanks for listening, be sure to punch the like button and subscribe to my channel. Don't forget the notification button as well. It seems that may be the only way you will get notified of any of my new uploads.
Till next time, Peace & Blessings to you, your family and loved ones.
Blaylock: Face Masks Pose Serious Risks To The Healthy
(1) New England Journal of Medicine:
"We know that wearing a mask outside health care facilities offers little, if any, protection from infection." LINK HERE
(2) CAL-OSHA Regulations:
”Cloth face coverings do not protect against COVD -19” LINK HERE
(3) California Department of Health:
"Face coverings may increase risk if users reduce their use of strong defenses."
"There is limited evidence to suggest that use of cloth face coverings by the public during a pandemic could help reduce disease transmission.” LINK HERE
4) FDA - “Even a properly fitted N95 mask does not prevent illness or death” LINK HERE
(5) CDC — There is no scientific evidence for healthy people wearing masks. : Watch “CDC Mask Deception”
(6) Neurosurgeon Dr. Russell Blaylock :
”There is no scientific evidence that masks are effective. If you are not sick, you should not wear a face mask.” LINK HERE
(7) Columbia University: Psychological Harms of Face Masks:
"Many young children burst into tears or recoil when someone wearing a mask approaches. By putting on masks, we take away information that makes it especially difficult for children to recognize others and read emotional signals, which is unsettling and disconcerting." LINK HERE
(8) US Surgeon General Jerome Adams:
”Masks are not effective in preventing the general public from catching coronavirus.”
(9) Dr. Anthony Fauci:
“People should not be walking around wearing masks. Masks do not provide the protection people think they do.” LINK HERE
(10) WHO, Dr. Mike Ryan:
”There is no specific evidence to suggest that the wearing of masks by the mass population has any potential benefit. In fact, there’s some evidence to suggest the opposite in the misuse of wearing a mask properly or fitting it properly. LINK HERE
(11) US Department of Labor — OSHA:
”Oxygen deficient is any atmosphere that contains less than 19.5%.” This happens when the oxygen is displaced by inert gas such as CARBON DIOXIDE and is the leading cause of FATALITIES.” LINK HERE
(12) OSHA 10&30 Certified Expert - "N95 blows the virus into the air from a contaminated person. The surgical mask is not designed for the outside world and will not filter the virus upon inhaling through it. It’s filtration works on the exhale. (Like a vacuum bag it only works one way. Cloth masks are WORSE than none."
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